19 April 2016

A Sir (tain) (Ho)ratio

Sir Horatio – Abracadubra / Sommadub 12” single, 666 Mix 1T, 1981.

This Side –

That Side –



  1. Very cool. If you have extensive knowledge of "experimental" dub, there's a track I'd like to send to you, maybe you can identify it.


    1. I wouldn't call my knowledge "extensive" by any stretch of the imagination, especially about "experimental" Dub, but I'm always open to new music & the detectively challenge. You can post the link here, or if you leave contact info, I scan all comments before they appear so no vital(private) information will be revealed.

      Thanks again for the comment(s).

  2. Thanks for offering to make an attempt.

    The first and last time I heard this track was in 1998 on WNYU. It was a on a mix cd that Kevin Martin sent in to the station to play in it's entirety, sadly Kevin didn't list the tracks as I was told when I called the station to find out who this was. Good thing I had my tape deck rolling.

    If you or any other Dub fanatics can identify this track I'd be extremely grateful.

    Here's the link https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwUaA1xSlTYeN2U0YnhNT0xISFk/view?usp=sharing

    1. You may have me stumped here. I'll ask a few of my more intelligent friends. I believe it's some sorta reworking of the Gospel tune "I was there when the Spirit came".

    2. the gospel part at th beginning is a sample from the pilgrim travelers' version


  3. Thanks for giving it a shot. I believe that gospel bit at the beginning was just a segue, he mixed bits of incidental music or dialogue between each track. I'm fairly certain that dub track was recorded in 97 or 98 as as everything else on his mix (Tarwater, Rhythm & Sound, Techno Animal) were all from that same period.

    Hopefully someone will come across this thread and enlighten us.
