27 May 2016

Saving Herself

Just thought I'd let everyone know. I'm suffering RAM death. The Blue Screen of Doom is now my constant companion. Saving herself...I hope I can save myself. So I'm hoping I'll see you all on the other side. Until then, here's a little something (I know jonder said shakeitrecords.com had their stuff, but I couldn't find it???) to tide you over. Hope it's won't be too long.

I wrote the post below before I knew I was dying.


When Jonder hosted Barefoot on the Accelerator here, he included "Dead on 2 Legs Luncheonette" by Dayton, Ohio band Dementia Precox. I had let this great band slip my mind (not a hard thing to do these days). I intend to remedy that right here right now.

Dementia Precox – SCHP 12" 45, Prehensile Records 211003X, 1982.

Side 1 –
Maladie d’Esprit
Untitled as of Yet
Fla(w) Girls

Side 2 –
Coppola 13
She’s Just / Lord Have Mercy Dance Music



  1. what's the code for Mega ?

    Thanks in advance and for the past as well, the comp. could have been an old cassette of mine. Minus some; plus some else.



    1. no code needed this time. direct to you.

  2. Sorry about your loss. Do we send flowers, or a donation in your memory to the Sanders campaign ? Shake It released a Hospital Records comp called Auto Glamour Sound. I will pray to the gods of Musick for your resurrection.

    1. Your prayers, kind sir, have been answered. Like Fenix I have risen from RAM death. & as Luddite as I am, I did it myself. I'll be back shortly with more disturbances.

  3. Glad to hear everything is alright. I've also been getting the blue screen along with that soft whirring hard drive noise. I've had this VAIO for about 5 years and I'm not ready to part with it.

  4. When the BSOD struck, I had to wade my way through various error codes. But thanks to Ye Olde Interweb I just googled each one. They went from the vague to specific as time went on, all of them relating to RAM death. I replaced the two RAM sticks (actually bumped it up from 1.5G to 2G. Luckily they're not too expensive).

    My machine is an 8 year old Qbic running XP Pro (the last good operating system Microsoft made). Unfortunately MS no longer support it & now less & less things work (I wanted to stream some music to my TV...they didn't even really have streaming when XP came out...& as far as apps, forget about it).

    IMO all the new Microsoft OSs are more & more Mac infused, they're for the 21st Century smart-phone bunch (toys rather than tools). If this old war horse dies, I'll probably be forced to go Linux (at least it's open-sourced & still let's one pull some hacks/stunts).

    Thanks for your comment & concern. Hope yours makes it (hard drives are fairly cheap but backing it up??? Last time mine fried I had to have tech support pull the files & that was NOT cheap).
