30 October 2016


I realize my presence around here has been minimal as of late. I know everyone is waiting for the next Chapter of the Gareth Sager saga with bated breath. It will be appearing here post haste, but I want to let you all know what I’ve been doing with my time.

Any of you who are regulars to NSS probably know that I used to edit a ‘zine called EAT POOP! with a rag-tag punch o’ punks in the late 80s/early 90s in San Jose,CA. We tried to support the punk musick scene, reviewing bands & releases of local artists as well as putting on shows at various venues, giving the acts a stage to present their mayhem.

By the late 90s, San JoHaze was going through the usual fuck-punk gentrification that its Silicon Valley wealth was financing. One by one bands & friends left the cesspool for hopefully greener pastures. We pulled the plug on EAT POOP! & me & mine moved to Sacramento to pursue more agricultural ventures.

Fast forward to 2016.

Food King (this time in the guise of War Baby), original EAT POOP! co-founder, artist & musickian, now living in Austin, TX decided it would be a fitting punishment for San Jose to have a reunion show of his band, the ByProducts at one of our ol' watering holes.

I dreamt up the idea of reviving EAT POOP! with a special edition. The venue was procured, the Caravan Lounge, & the date was finalized, October 22. The line-up was: Talky Tina, Bombs for Whitey, & The ByProducts with poetry slam by Frank Bella (who also drew the poster below).

So for most of September & October leading up to that glorious night, nearly every free moment I had went into said project.

The following is an article that appeared in the San Jose newspaper The Metro, penned by staff writer & long-time friend Gary Singh.

The ‘zine came together without too many missteps. The bands, though geographically challenged, managed to get in enough practice time to play top-notch sets. It was a chance for us all to revisit old friends we had not seen in years. A great time was had by all. (If ya wanna see or hear some of it, try https://www.facebook.com/events/1565289477112291 or search on youtube).

I Don’t Need a Reason
No Respect
Standing on My Head
Everything Comes & Goes
All My Heroes are Dead
Lost Generation
In My Head
Some Things Never Change

Smarter than Me
Two Notes
Grow Up
Shopping at Lucky’s
Good Day
Santa Cruz (1989)
Food King
To Me
Bottom’s Up
Shifting Gears
Santa Cruz (1990)



  1. The "thunderous" Nathan Nothin' -- I like that. Bringing back high weirdness to InSane Jose with old friends! What could be better?

  2. You zoned in on the very line. I told Gary that would be my epitaph..."Thunderous". It was indeed great high weirdness. It was one of those things that I entered into with trepidation but that turned out to be fantastic. If you want some 'zines, slip me your address at my email. I'll send you some.

  3. Noice. Wish i could been there.

