23 September 2017

Trouble in the Middle East

I guess to me personally the worst thing about my external hard-drive crashing & burning is the loss of all my Muslimgauze files.

I know that a lot of you are not great Muslimgauze fans but I’m kinda fan-atic. I prided  myself in having all of Bryn's releases (which numbered 96 at the time of Jones sudden demise in January 1999 & I’ve forgotten how many more posthumous new items). Until such time as I can afford to retrieve the material on said dead drive, I’m shit outta luck Gauzewise.

Fortunately for me, when I sold off my record collection I kept my top 100 albums (mostly Beefheart, Mark Stewart, King Tubby...well, you all know the musick that I favor). I kept everything Muslimgauze that I had on vinyl. One of the treasures that I managed to hang on to was a compilation released by Final Image in 1987. It features not only Muslimgauze but Bourbonese Qualk, another favored band, as well as a great deal more musick that will probably bug the hell out of most of you.

 Mission accomplished NØ Sez...

decryption code in comments

Side 1 -

Green is the Colour of the Prophet - Muslimgauze
Do This - Pump
Half Deepmen - Biting Tongues
New York, 1940 - Gush
Lullaby - Bourbonese Qualk

Side 2 -

That Marilyn Walk - John Avery
The Moors - Tim Story
Zone - Mute Calm
First Soundtrack - Human Flesh
Another Journey - O Yuki Conjugate



  1. ol-nk67aR1PWhJtjgjf0S4YH_L-fMJkOHrEDjzH5tc4

  2. I have perhaps a dozen entries under Muslimguaze. Well shy of 96. I am not a convert precisely, but I can't pretend Bryn's output is not interesting.

    Bourbonese Qualk. Well, that is entirely new to me.

    Suffice to say, I do not have this. Thank you.

    1. I guess I haven't post any Bourbonese Qualk since 2009 (always a autumnal taste it seems).

      My Government is My Soul - Sept. 3, 2009

      The Last Supper (another compilation) - Aug. 29, 2009

      also, all of their material is available from their archive site bourbonesequalk.net

  3. Email me, NØ, and I'll hook you up with a way to get lots of Muslimguaze and whatever else you might need. ihatethe90s [at] g mail

  4. Excellent compilation. Thank you for posting.

  5. I have 178 Muslimgauze titles, 4 E.g Oblique Graph and several compilations. If there's anything you need, let me know. Also, I have a monster collection of Jazz, Punk, Industrial, Electronic - Experimental. Dub of course but more along the lines of Wordsound, French Novo etc.

    After about my 8th hard drive disaster, I started keeping 2 drives per medium, 1 for music (active listening) and 1 for back up that I never use other than to back up. 1 for movies, 1 for back up...so on and so forth. 3-4 years seems to be the life span, my back up drives then become primary viewing and listening and I buy 2 more for back up.

    1. You describe me, after a couple of harddrive crashes.

  6. If you do torrents rutracker has one with 157 albums

  7. Thanks for all the great offers. I didn't mean to mislead...Muslimgauze was not the point of what I'm going through. They are but one band/person. I don't even have a list of all I had. Most On-U Sound. Tbytes of Dub & No-Wave & on & on. I don't know exactly where to begin.

    I fear I am going to have to resort to file retrieval to be anywhere near satisfied. But thanks again for all the offers. If all else fails, I'll probably be taking you up on your generous gifts. I feel such the Beggar.

  8. thanks for this... excellent stuff...

    1. In my opinion, one great compilation. I'm glad you found it excellent. Thanks for taking the time to comment.
