27 January 2018

What's that Sound Drifting from the Bleachers?

Brother Ib over at SibLINGSHOT ON THE BLEACHERS has been posting up some of his poetry as spoken word readings:

"While there may be scant few who remember, and less still who give a f@ck, it does not escape me entirely that nearly a decade has rushed by since I broke my promise to defile the bleachers with a bespoke reading or two.
     Well. The ego has shrivelled, the eagle never did land, but the idea which first began percolating down through the topsoil all those years ago to where exhibitionism lies buried continues to fester like human papilloma virus nursing a grudge deep below the skin.
     The monkey may be rusty, his performance wavering, but feed it a couple of tabs of Viagra and the organ still grinds.
     And so. This year coming, plans are afoot to resolve the unconscionable and break out the mic. The logistics remain hazy. The physics untested. But rest assured, the programme is scheduled. There will be a gnashing of teeth. Amen." Ib

His first offering in the series was prefaced thusly:

"Brothers and sisters. Siblings all. As promised earlier, SibLINGSHOT ON THE BLEACHERS is pleased to present the first instalment in a series of esoteric readings culled from these very pages and brought to life by the magic of an ailing ethos digitalis. Ably backed by Gus Ghost, this first reading is dedicated to the legacy of Joe Meek. Thank you." Ib

Now the second in the series ("The second instalment in a series of readings culled from the BLEACHERS' back pages. Please bare with me. The naked essence of the recording may drift into the red on occasion. A streaker stepping off of the benches to tango up in blue." Ib) was just Ib recting "naked" & gave me the idea of dubbing some music with his vocals. After a few feeble attempts & some SOUND advice from Brother Jonder, we came up with something at least listenable.

All this mucking about led to "MIX UP ON THE BLEACHERS!"

"Fourth instalment in this series on the BLEACHERS. In which we throw out an open invitation to all visitors: take a naked reading for a test drive, and create your very own mix. Whether you're quick on the DAW or simply a budding conjuror, there are no prerequisites beyond your enthusiasm for all things dub. All we ask is that submit your end product here for download and potential issue on a strictly limited CDR. If you would like to participate in our project, we will be hosting naked readings on the bleachers for that purpose in the coming days, in addition to selected mixes by the Ghost Men." Ib

So head over to the BLEACHERS & check out what's going on. Maybe YOU are the one to make THE PERFECT MIX.

Mixmasters Unite,


  1. Awesome. Hearty thanks for the post, I didn't know about that blog.

    1. A blog well worth the time to peruse most deeply.
