21 July 2018

In the Ol’ Family Tradition

One of our neighbors found three abandoned new-born kittens (about two weeks old) in the crawlspace under his porch. Black Dahli opened her humongous heart & volunteered us to foster one of the little suckers. So now we're bottle feeding Dusty Crusty Punk (we determined he was a small black male after we removed dust-balls bigger than he from his filthy coat - the name just appeared). This is a round the clock task for BD, Lao Elanya, & moi, so I haven't had any time for this here web-log. That said, here's the Dub I'm Dubbin' at the Casa Nada at the present.

This here is the 1980 re-release of the 1977 smash hit Tradition in Dub. Only the names had been changed to bend your mind a bit. Trillin’!

Tradition here are: Les McNeil - vocals; Chris "Buff Head" Henry - guitar; Paul "Echo" Thompson - keyboards & vocals; Paul Dawkins - bass; & Tony "Drummie" Matthews - drums.

Recorded at Gooseberry Sound Studio. Produced by David Tyrone

Tradition - High Risk Dub, Venture Records CUT 6, 1980.
decryption code in comments

The In Side -

Groove One - Entrance Fee
Groove To -  Nasal Passage
Groove Tree - Intermediate Level
Groove For - Caucasian Occasion
Groove Sink - Tea Time

The Out Side -

Groove Sicks - There a Lot of it About
Groove Severn - Not as Easy as it Seems
Groove Ate - It Wasn’t Quite what I Expected
Groove Nein - All Comes Out in the Wash
Groove Off - I Thought it Would Never End

Dub fer the week-end,


  1. YAkIXDoSdEyjn6ZhN4igvxtBG6wjdXgq7iSxXfBRfo0

  2. Thanks for these awesome music. A bug hug from Colombia

  3. thank you for all the working links :-)

  4. I was trying to figure out whether =Tradition in Dub= and =High Risk Dub= were the same (I have the latter, but don't have the former), and then discovered you had written about it, and figured you would know. And you did! Cheers.

    1. thanks to all for the comments. glad to see this is still getting a work-out even now. great great DUB.
