14 June 2019

Shakin' the Nun

I've been following my friend Jonder's great coverage of the San Francisco early punk scene. I lived in the Bay Area in the early 80s & heard many of these powerful bands first hand.

Recently Jonder posted SAN FRANCISCO PUNK: First Wave, Part Two (1979-80). He included the second & third singles by Breakouts, a band I was particularly partial toward back in the hey-day. He had also noted: "A number of punk bands moved to SF: the Dils, the Dicks, MDC, DRI, The Lewd, Toxic Reasons, the Red Rockers. Some of them were fleeing the intolerance of the American South and the Midwest."

These two things prompted me to post up this riotous mess. Why, you might ask...

Black Kali Ma sprang from the crazed minds of Gary Floyd & friends. As you probably all know, Gary was leader & vocalist of The Dicks, one of the bands Jonder mentioned having escaped from intolerance (redneck homophobia of the Lone Star State).  The guitarist of Black Kali Ma was Danny Roman, guitarist & backing vocalist of Breakouts. So that’s why...

BKM are also: Ed Ivey (Rhythm Pigs) - bass; Bruce Ducheneaux (Assassins of God) - drums; & Lynn Perko (Dicks, Sister Double Happiness) - backing vocals.

Oh, yeah...three things...this is a fierce mighty slab of sound.

Black Kali Ma - You Ride the Pony (I’ll Be the Bunny), Alternative Tentacles Virus 237, 2000.
decryption code in comments

Pony Side -

I’m O
Angel Face
Evil Clowns

Bunny Side -

Remain Awesome
Price We Pay
Movin’ On
Shakin’ the Nun
Roll Back Home

Thanks Jonder,


  1. lXfbnWqmy0xCL9Iz6-2WAiaEImuYBOKHXNntBjDKDZ4

  2. Thanks for the post. I've been following Jonders SF stuff too. My GF and I ran G-Spot Studios at Frederick and Stanyan, next to Kezar Stadium. Tuxedo Moon worked there until Belgium....I'll throw some names at you that weren't punk per se, we took anyone's money.....Kevin Koffey & the Cremes, Merciful Fate, an early Faith No More, Primus for a while, the Hollowmen. I played with the Ophelias at the time and then many others. Did you play?

    1. Thanks for the great comment.

      Must have been great to work with such cool bands. Tuxedo Moon, Faith No More, Primus...we all know them I think. I remember a Iowa(?) band The Hollowmen. I remember Kevin K.

      I think I saw the Ophelias a few times, once at the Sound of Music, I believe. I remember them in connection with weed & psychedelics, I think.

      I never played, except with myself (haha). I just hung around & soaked up the sounds.

  3. Thanks for the shout out! Whenever something on my blog gets you thinking, I always learn something cool! I recognize Lynn Perko's name from Imperial Teen. She and Jone Stebbins were in Reno punk band The Wrecks before they moved to SF.

    1. Yeah, Lynn was the drummer for The Dicks 2.0 & Sister Double Happiness as well as being in the Wrecks & Imperial Teen. I have The Wrecks Teenage Jive demo tape, might post it up later unless you want to use parts???

    2. You go right ahead with the Wrecks. I have more stuff planned than I have time to finish.

    3. Thanks, brother Jon. I'm working on a WSB thing right now.

  4. My avatar's name is Bhowani, one of the avatar of MÂ Kali. When I was living in Kolkata, in Bhowanipur area, I used to go every wednesday at the Kali Temple at the end of Kalighat Road, to receive Her prasad.
    This share reminds me all these things (even if it has nothin to do with). Thank you so much....
