16 June 2019

The Transcendental Cuisine --- Some More Bill

"the nova police"

Bulletin from Rewrite

"We had to call in the nova police to keep all the jokers out of the Rewrite Room --- Can’t be expected to work under these conditions...When disorder on any planet reaches a certain point, the regulating instance scans police --- otherwise --- Sput --- Another planet bites the cosmic dust..."

"The basic nova technique is very simple: Always create as many insoluble conflicts as possible & always aggravate existing conflicts..."


Abandoned Artifacts

A processed version which combines three separate overlapping readings along with a rhythm track. Original recordings courtesy of James Grauerholz from performances at The Edge, Toronto; Tuts, Chicago; & Keystone Korner, San Francisco. "Abandoned Artifacts" is a selection from Chapter One of Burrough's western novel The Place of Dead Roads.

On The Nova Lark

This selection was recorded by William S. Burroughs in the early 60's in London or Tangiers. It is a passage partially contained in The Nova Express. The background music is probably bleeding backwards from an instrument.

This recording was a press run of 2,000, available only in TALK TALK, Vol. 3, No. 6, September/October 1981. The 38 page 'zine included live performance reviews of Peter Tosh, Abuse, Sunsplash, Venture, & The Fall; interviews with Psychedelic Furs, Billy ldol, Iggy Pop, & William Burroughs; reggae, tape, & record reviews. The cover of the magazine is by William S Burroughs.

Talk Talk Publication Vol. 3 - #6, Sept. 1981.

Abandoned Artifacts featuring Martin Olson - percussion
On the Nova Lark


"Take two opposed pressure groups --- Record the most violent & threatening statements of group one with regard to group two & play back to group two --- Record the answer & take it back to group one --- back & forth between opposed groups --- This process is known as ‘feedback’ --- You can see it operating in any bar room quarrel --- In any quarrel for that matter --- Manipulated on a global scale ‘feeds back’ nuclear war & nova ---"

"These conflicts are deliberately created & aggravated by nova criminals --- "

"The Nova Mob: Sammy the Butcher; Green Tony; the Brown Artist; Jacky Blue Note; Limestone John; Izzy the Push; Hamburger Mary; Paddy the Sting; the Subliminal Kid...& Mr & Mrs T also known as Mr Bradly Mr Martin also known as the Ugly Spirit also known as Trumpistan Don thought to be the leader of the mob..."

"The success of the Nova Mob depended on a blockade of the planet that allowed them to operate with impunity --- So we moved in our agents & started to work keeping always in close touch with partisans --- The selection of local personnel posed a most difficult problem --- Frankly we found that most existing police agencies were hopelessly corrupt --- The Nova Mob had seen to that..."

"Would you rather talk to the partisans Mr & Mrs T --- Well? ---
 No terms...There are no guards capaple protect you --- Millions of voices in your dogs won’t do you a bit of good --- voices fading --- crumpled cloth bodies --- Your name fading across newspapers of the earth --- Madison Avenue machine is disconnected --- Errand boy closing their errand boys --- Won;t be much left..."

excerpts from The Ticket That Exploded by William S. Burroughs, Grove Press, 1967.


Makrosoft Theme - Makrosoft
Old Lady Sloan - WSB & the Eudoras
I Tre Merli - Yellow Magic Orchestra
Old Western Movies - WSB & Tomandandy
Rub Out the Word - Roger Holden & Rick Schneider
The Five Steps - WSB
Is Everybody In? - WSB & the Doors
You Never Existed at All - Daevid Allen
Sharkey’s Night - Laurie Anderson
Dream - Dave Ball & Genesis P. Orridge
Quick Fix - WSB & Ministry
Love Your Enemies - WSB
Rockin’ Shoes - Doug Wimbish
Ah Pook the Destroyer / Bryon Gysin’s All Purpose Bedtime Stories - WSB
Be a Superman - Yellow Magic Orchestra
Tain’t No Sin - WSB & Tom Waits
Scandal at the Jungle Hilton - WSB


"Meet Me at the Fair"

"Drifting sand, fish smells & dead eyes in doorways, shabby quarters of a forgotten city. I was beginning to remember the pawn shops, guns & brass knucks in a window, chili parlors, cheap rooming houses, a cold wind from the sea, Dead eyes seemed to be looking at some distant beginning to remember the boy, an old skating rink...any minute now...Who said Atlantic City?,,,wire rusty around jagged holes...Van’s Surgery...writing croaker...Globe Hptel...Great Atlantic Accident...name address hotel quite right?...a number...police line ahead frisking seven boys against a wall. Too late to turn back, they’d seen us. & then I saw the photographers, more photographers than a routine frisk would draw. I eased a  film grenade into my hand. A cop stepped toward us. I pushed the plunger down & brought my hands up, tossing the grenade into the air. A black explosion blotted out the set & we were running down a dark street toward the barrier Behind us the city went up in chunks."

excerpt from Port of Saints by William S. Burroughs, Blue Wind Press, 1980.


Old Pulp Magazines on White Steps

57 years after the publication of Naked Lunch, & 19 years after his death, Let Me Hang You, a compilation of Burroughs reading sections of the book set to experimental musi was released. At the end of his life, Burroughs recorded himself reading sections of the book, particularly those most explicitly dealing with the drug use & sexual debauchery which characterize the novel, in varying voices. The project, led by Hal Willner & James Grauerholz and featuring music by Bill Frisell, Wayne Horvitz & Eyvind Kang, was unfortunately swept under the rug for decades.

In 2015, producer Hal Willner unearthed the recordings which would eventually be Let Me Hang You, calling on the help of experimental punk / soul artist King Khan. Australian garage-punk band Frowning Clouds & vocalist M. Lamar also contributed, expanding on the unsettling nature of the musical accompaniment previously recorded by Frisell & others. Willner & Khan, linked by their previous collaboration with Lou Reed, found comfort after Reed's 2013 death by pursuing this project, honoring Burroughs, considered by many as a leading figure in paving the way for punk culture.

William S. Burroughs - Let Me Hang You, Khannibalism KK003, 2016.
decryption code in comments

Side A -
The Exterminator
Manhattan Serenade
You Gotta Hear This
Disciplinary Procedures
The Afterbirth King
Lief the Lucky

Side B -
Let Me Hang You
Islam Incorporated
The Queen Bee
Clem Snide the Private Asshole
Gentle Reader

fragments of lost words,


  1. 9Yw-1Oe8pMaDR7n4l3Ixyr8_Zb1cP8-neYuX2Rz87xU

  2. Thanks.

    Tried to touch on a bit more musical side of Ol' Bill. My faves here are when he actually sings.

  3. WOW, did WSB really write in 1967 that the leader of the Nova Mob used the alias "Trumpistan Don"?! That's prescient!

    Anybody who digs this word-music should also check out "WSB In Dub" which Nathan wrote about here:

    1. Well, I may have taken a minor liberty when it came to transcribing???

  4. Any chance of a reup? Cheers!!

    1. You must be having MEGA trouble. All the links on this post are righteous. Just checked all three. If problems persist, there is myriad advice available about solving MEGA issues or check out my April 1, 2015 called MEGA MESS (& read reader comments as well.
