02 March 2020

Aunt Jemima's Flapjack Ninja Killers from Hell


  1. Unsure how I came across your blog, but I have to say I love it! While I think our primary music preferences differ, I find the amount of knowledge you have to share on the artists and different musical genres fascinating. Thanks for providing me with the intellect to explore an entire division of music I never knew existed.

    1. Thank you for the most kind words. However you came across this mess, I'm glad you did & am more elated that you actually found some musick to enjoy. What "entire division of music" you "never knew existed"?

  2. I've had a rather interesting musical journey. Began listening to whatever classic rock and classical my grandfather use to play, ventured over to some European heavy/death metal, settled down on some early to current underground hip-hop/trip-hop for a few years. Kinda balanced out listing to all I've mentioned. After finding your page I am discovering a new appreciation for the art of improvisational music, form the standpoint of the love and creativeness that has gone into the development of much of what you provide your follows with.

    1. For once I am truly at a loss for words.
