11 April 2020

Remember, It is the Law...the Law of Fives

Been reReading the Illuminatus Trilogy

RAWilson states:
     "I first heard of the 23 enigma from William S Burroughs, author of Naked Lunch, Nova Express, etc. According to Burroughs, he had known a certain Captain Clark, around 1960 in Tangier, who once bragged that he had been sailing 23 years without an accident. That very day, Clark’s ship had an accident that killed him and everybody else aboard. Furthermore, while Burroughs was thinking about this crude example of the irony of the gods that evening, a bulletin on the radio announced the crash of an airliner in Florida, USA. The pilot was another Captain Clark and the flight was Flight 23."



What man is at ease in his Inn?
Get out.
Wide is the world and cold.
Get out.
Thou hast become an in-itiate.
Get out.
But thou canst not get out by the way thou camest in. The Way out is THE WAY.
Get out.
For OUT is Love and Wisdom and Power.
Get OUT.
If thou hast T already, first get UT.
Then get O.
And so at last get OUT.
                                                                         from The Book of Lies - Aleister Crowley (1912/13)

23 Skidoo - The Gospel Comes to New Guinea 12“ 45 single, Fetish Records FE11, 1981.

The Gospel Comes to New Guinea
Last Words

Alex & Johnny Turnbull, Sam Mills, Fritz Catlin, & Tom Heslop

Now it’s coming to your house,

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