02 October 2020

Taking a Break from Taking a Break

"Government is organized violence, a fact which all know when they wish to turn its guns on their enemies and which all regret when its guns are turned against themselves. The only sane attitudes toward this contraption, i.e. government (sane in the sense of consistent) are those of the SADOMASOCHIST, who enjoys the violence whether the targets be others or himself, and the ANARCHIST, who rejects it entirely on moral grounds."
                                             De Selby, Golden Hours II, 18.

This selection goes out over the airways tonight to Brother Jonder from Señor O R-L, M. NØ & the Living One Livingroom Overnight Guests. This is "About You".

ESG - Come Away with ESG, 99 Records 99-003LP, 1983.
decryption code in comments

Come Away Side -
Come Away
Parking Lot Blues
You Make No Sense
About You

99 Side -
It’s Alright
Moody (spaced out)
Tiny Sticks
The Beat
My Love For You

I ❤ Renee, Valerie, & Marie (& Chistelle + Nicole),



  1. gDmBZy0885bDaDwNpnvG1pJ5iVmlCsWsm7oA1dcdL6A

  2. Muchas gracias to the Cosa Nostra at Casa Nada. Thanks from Brother Jonder for the Sisters Scoggins. Long may their funk flag wave its stripes of emerald, sapphire, and gold!

  3. Really good, thanks a lot.

  4. Thank you very much

  5. I'm always so happy when I see a quote from the great man that I took my name from.

    1. (um. I mean, Scraps deSelby. Somehow, I left the "deSelby" part off of this tiny google-blog. oh well!)

    2. Since the Professor is the only one worth quoting here, I figured as much.
