10 February 2021

Let’s Move on to Jazz


In keeping with the Black History Month theme...Jazz.


Jazz originated in the African-American communities of New Orleans, Louisiana in the late 19th/early 20th centuries, with its roots in blues & ragtime.


As I like my reggae Dubbed & my funk(psych)Adelic, I like my jazz Free. Free your jazz & your mind will follow.


Jazz was always a break-through for improvisation in music & thus created freedom. Yet jazz was mired deeply in a swamp of strict structures. Free jazz broke free from that morass into an open space of  "free tonality" in which meter, beat, & formal symmetry no longer applied.


The first major stirrings came in the 1950s with the early work of Ornette Coleman (whose 1960 album Free Jazz: A Collective Improvisation coined the term).


So in honor of breaking free from formal symmetry, I'll both start & end this chapter with the O.C...Sir Ornette Coleman.

Lotus LOP 14.074, 1980.
all decryption codes in comments

Lato 1 -
Lonely Woman
Monsieur le Prince

Lato 2 -
Forgotten Children
Buddah Blues

The Unprecedented Cast: Ornette Coleman - alto saxophone, trumpet, & shanai; Charles Haden  & David Izenzon - bass; & Ed Blackwell - drums. All written by Ornette.


side A -
Don's Dawn

side B -

NY E & E Crew: Albert Ayler - tenor saxophone; Don Cherry - trumpet; John Tchicai - alto saxophone; Roswell Rudd - trombone; Gary Peacock - bass; & Sonny Murray - drums.

Another one from ESP 1966...

side A -
Strange Uhuru
Lacy's Out East

side B -
Three Spirits
Black Mysticism


Anthony Braxton - News from the 70s, Felmay fy 7005, 1999.

Composition 23E
Composition 8C
Composition -1
Composition -2
Composition 8G
Four Winds

Caravan of Dreams Productions CDP85001, 1985.

Side 1 -
To Know What You Know
Harmolodic Bebop
Sex Spy

Side 2 -
City Living

The Prime Time Crew: Bern Nix & Charles Ellerbee - guitar; Albert MacDowell & Jamaaladeen Tacuma - bass; & Denardo Coleman & Sabir Kamal - drums.



  1. your blog is so awesome
    - a long-time lurker

    1. Thanks for the kind words, long time. No need to lurk. Join the family.

  2. The Unprecedented Music of Ornette Coleman
    New York Eye & Ear Control
    Charles Tyler Ensemble
    News from the 70s
    Opening the Caravan of Dreams
