13 September 2021

Dub September - 13th

John Brown's Body - Kings & Queens in Dub, Easy Star Records ES1047, 2015.
decryption code in comments

People in the Light Dub (Dub Fader remix)
Give Up the Ghost Dub (Jay Spaker remix)
Worldwide Dub (Dub Fader remix)
Sound & Fury Dub (Dubmatix remix)
Seneca Dub (Dub Fader remix)
Fracture Dub (Dubmatix remix)
Pulsing Dub (Yesking remix)
My Guiding Dub (Lord Echo remix)
Land of Plenty Dub (Ticklah remix)
Gallows Pole Dub (Dennis Bovell remix)
Sweet Undertow Dub (Easy Star All-Stars remix)
Paint the Sky Dub (Nathan "Silas" Richardson remix)



  1. DsFFyws3bWaOfzZA8iBGKm3tkBYKAurwInoKJntZfk8

  2. I'm your huge fan and follower, since several years. Your blog is a masterpiece for me, for real, and here I can find a lot of gems and forgotten albums! Thanks again! Greetings from Italy and thanks for this dub month, it's gonna be the best month ever for this blog!

    1. You can probably see me blushing all the way in Italy. You are too kind. Thanks for the comment & thanks for being a loyal follower.
