08 October 2021

But Still the Smell Remains #1


Nasmak was an experimental early 80s band from Neunen, Netherlands, just outside of Eindhoven. Back at the start of the 80s, despite its provincial reputation, Eindhoven was a magnet for musical adventurers like no other place in the Netherlands. Forward thinking venues like the Apollohuis & the Effenaar, even smaller spots like the Poort van Kleef cafe regularly hosted nights of avant-garde music. Those making the instruments & devices that could play or record such music worked or studied at Philips Laboratories & Research Studios. If you add the activities of local avant-garde composers & polymaths like Paul Panhuysen, Remko Scha, or Michel Waisvisz, this was a perfect creative storm for young punks. It has many parallels to Cleveland's music scene from a decade prior.

Although Nasmak are usually lumped in with the 80s new wave crews, to my ears their experimental bent gives them the sound of a weird Dutch Pere Ubu. They play punk-derived style for stark, punchy bass/drums riffs with spare but nasty guitar (& gruff English vocals). Nasmak's defining characteristic is the way they create songs & then work at stripping them of melody, replacing much of it with sonic space. They are more post-punk than new wave.

According to Nasmak:
     "This CD offers a remixed version of our album 4our Clicks originally released on Dutch independent Plurex in February 1982. We were dissatisfied with the original mix in which half of the recorded multi-tracks were lost. This updated version reveals 4our Clicks as it was intended."

Recorded at Ballad Sound Studio, 1981, Vuren, the Netherlands & Arnold Mühren Studio, 1982, Volendam, the Netherlands. Re-mixed at The Tango Studio, 1988, Eindhoven, the Netherlands.

On 4our Clicks, Nasmak is: Henk Janssen & Joop van Brakel - guitar, vocals; Theo van Eenbergen - bass guitar; & Toon Bressers - drums. 


Nasmak - 4our Clicks remix, Eksakt Records 039, 1988.
decryption code in comments

Pilot in Charge    
Waiting Room    
First Dishhunt    
I Hope I'm Gonna Rain Today    
Nothing but the Lyrics    
Sade, M De    
Origins & Whereabouts    
Roger, Bill Iceberg    
No Touch & Go    
Take a Look    
Not Your Living Doll    
4our Clicks    
The Smell Remains No. 1    



  1. N0VIQjIpD5erbCadkjiP0M50oEnXd6maFuoYHaYJAV8

  2. You had me at Dutch Pere Ubu. Thanks.

  3. Hey Mr Nathan A remarkable sound no doubt. A copy arrived in Buenos Aires not far from the release date along with some other strange records. A very small shop with a suitably lunatic owner that evangelized us innocent teen sexless freaks with Tuxedomoon, Residents and the like.
    I hope there's a place in paradise for him and for your generous self.
    I always find it fascinating how this kind of record arrived to distant places and hit the right (or wrong) ears.
    Chhers to that

    1. I'm guessing from this great comment that these kind of records got to the RIGHT ears. As far as paradise, I might be up or down, depends.

  4. to state the obvious, Theo van Eembergen is Theo van Rock @ Henry Rollins
    thank you for your blog

    1. Not obvious to many, I'm sure. Ya gotta know Henrietta to know Theo. Thanks.
