18 October 2021

Mongol with a Dongle


Shpongle...a strange hybrid of electronic manipulation & shamanic midgets with frozen digits squeezing the envelope, crawling through the doors of perception, finding a new pair o' dice, discovering extra numbers & colours, expanding an infinite bubble filled with a bizzare, strange world of dripping hallucinatory wallpaper, a garden of earthly delights. The Ineffable Mysteries unweave as weirdness abounds.

Shpongle is a Psybient music project made up of Simon Posford (aka Hallucinogen) & Raja Ram of The Infinity Project.

Shlongle - Tales of the Inexpressible, Twisted Records TWSCD13, 2001.
decryption code in comments

Dorset Perception
Star Shpongled Banner   
A New Way to Say "Hooray!"   
Room 2ૐ
My Head Feels like a Frisbee
Once Upon the Sea of Blissful Awareness
Around the World in a Tea Daze
Flute Fruit



  1. 3GtP3YF2HOWdnm3gnnWtun2r-dkCv1coC3gRC9G3hEg

  2. New fan of the blog here. Amazing stuff! Thanks for all you do. Any chance Rare Mexican Cuts from the 60s could be reupped please?

    1. Welcome, stupiddle.

      Thanks for the kind words about this trainwreck.

      Thanks also for letting me know about the dead link. I have re-upped the Rare Mexican Cuts from the 60s & put a new list of decryption codes in the comments there. If you have any more problems with that file let me know or if you find any other problems. I don't have time to recheck all my past posts so it it through the kindness & consideration of people like you that help me keep things working.

      So thanks again & enjoy.

    2. Dear NØ: If this be a trainwreck, sign me up for the long haul, Mr Conductor. Thanks for the reup!

    3. You are most welcome. I added you to the list of the long haul crew.

  3. This is one of those artists that reminds me of the utter futility of my endeavors. While I'm always discovering new interesting releases, like that Damned recording with Lemmy that AJ shared for example, I feel like I've got a pretty good basic understanding of folk, country, blues, jazz, and rock in most of their varieties. I've got a rudimentary grasp on World and Indigenous musics around the world. I've even got a clue about crazy art-damaged "cassette culture" from the '80s. I've made it a point to seek out and collect as much weird, interesting sounds as possible over my lifetime, especially the psychedelically informed varieties. I'm down here in the comments of this backwater blog for fucks sake. And then there's shit like this and "Infected Mushroom" that breaks through the fifth wall from a whole alternate universe that I have no clue about. I mean I had this and some of the other stored away in the corner but there just like fragmentary glimpses into another vast realm that I can't comprehend. Even the cheap ass graphics are from an entirely different plane than the one I live on. Almost like new age cutouts you used to find at discount stores but altogether different. Some days I just feel like I should give up. Thanks I guess?!

    1. "backwater blog" Hrrmph! I'll try not to let those words color my response, although I'm having a hard time holding back. Only because you are a regular visitor/commenter & one of the Isle o' Foam's 4/5g© will I maintain civility.

      This entire month is WEIRD OCTOBER. The musick I am posting this month is WEIRD! This band is WEIRD. If you think they are WEIRD, that's not WEIRD. It means I've done what I set out to do.

      Thanks, I guess?

    2. Sorry Nathan! I meant that in a good way? Please accept my humblest apologies. I meant less that Shpongle are "weird" (which they are -- in a good way) than that they remind me that there is another vast continent of music (psy-whatever, trance, etc) that I am still very ignorant of and my attempts to ever get my arms around the musical universe are utterly futile. It's not like this is a one-off by R.U. Sirius or some new Hasil Adkins acetate they found buried in his back yard or even intercepted Soviet radio transmissions from Eastern Europe. All of that I can understand. But this is a reminder that there's a whole other world of artists, labels, etc. that are like a parallel universe to the one I am familiar with. It makes me feel like I'm digging a whole in the sand as the waves come in and fill them back up. So I guess it's good that there's always more to discover. Thanks for everything you do -- I've been hangin' around for years but am trying to do a better job of giving a little love back.

    3. (even if it's "tough love" lol)

    4. There are entire universes of music that I have not an inkling about the worlds & fans they encompass. I try to keep an open mind, but only delve into the stuff that somehow catches me at that particular moment in time. Many of it just leads to annoying dead-ends of appreciation. Or the next day I wake up, have a listen, & wonder what drug I must have been under the influence of at the time. No accounting for taste.
