27 October 2021

Over Two Million Served


Over night last night my visitor count passed the 2,000,000 mark. I realize that that's no big deal in light of the length of time I've been doing this, but for a "backwater blog" like I've got going here, it's kinda major to me. In fact, I'm mightily chuffed.

So I've decided to reward all of you loyal followers out there in the aether with gifts from me to you because of this. From now until the beginning of December I am taking request from anyone who reads this. 

Submit your wish-list for your ideal post you'd like to see here. You can request up to three albums, bands, whatever. Maybe write a brief-to-detailed reason for you're request. I'll take all request into consideration & post up the results at the end of November. Then throughout December I will gift posts to everyone that I've chosen who requested music.

I have only my own limited resources from which to honor requests, so I won't be able to make everyone happy. But I'll try my hardest to give Holidaze gifts to all you. If you just try to stump me with impossible to find items, then you probably will end up on Santa's naughty list, but if you have something that you've been searching for or something you've wanted me to post, then you'll make Santa's nice list.

You can put your requests in the comments of any posts. I'll see them, check them out, & see what I can do.

Thank you all for stopping by & hopefully finding some musick you've enjoyed. Come back soon.


  1. Congrats on sticking it out, many have fallen..Thanx for all the great tunes!

    1. Thank you for coming by & enjoying the tunes. It makes sharing a bit more meaningful to know that folks are indeed sharing it & liking it as well.

  2. I'm totally happy with what you serve, so there's no wish left on my side. Thank you for all that & just keep 'em coming!

    1. A happy customer whose musickal appetite has been served. Thank you for your patronage. Come back often.

  3. As your 2,000,000th visitor, I am very much looking forward to my reward. But this was actually very hard. Nowadays I mostly just take what comes to me (though I spend a lot of time combing through a lot of blogs and have for a long time; I was one of the regular followers of the Digital Meltdown blog you helped run for many years also!). I gave up trying to keep up with music reviews and "shopping" for specific things for the most part (though I have started keeping track of newer things that pique my interest). Since I didn't want to ask for things that have come out recently I went and dug out an old printed wishlist I used to take with me to used CD stores back in the 90s compiled from pouring over reviews in Forced Exposure, Option, Wire, Perfect Sound Forever, etc. But it turns out I have found almost everything on there in the past couple decades of online music sharing! All sorts of once rare psych, kraut, jazz, etc. Crazy. So anyway, I've cobbled a wishlist together but since I have no doubt I'm already on your "naughty" list I'm breaking the rules and giving you a list of TEN things that have eluded me; some old, and a couple newish but obscure. This makes up for Rob's and Ballaberg's lack of requests. Pick any three you can!

    Bob Frank - Bob Frank (1972)
    Tina Harvey - Tina Harvey (1973)
    Shira Small - The Line of Time and the Plane of Now (1974)
    Ned Lagin - Seastones (1975)
    Bill Fay - Who is the Sender
    The Figgs - Sucking in Stereo, Palais, Slow Charm
    Dieselhed - Tales of a Brown Dragon (or any other)
    David Holmes - Bow Down to the Exit Sign
    Fitted (M. Watt + Wire)
    Psychic Temple - Psychic Temple III

  4. Make that THREE DECADES! Holy Shit! On the back of my old wishlist is a hand written list of the few dozen Napster friends I used to trade with, lol. I often wonder if anyone from the old AudioFix yahoo group or Sound of Confusion FTP server are lurking around these blogs. I also have the logon for the Bitstorm FTP server on that sheet. I'm sure there were many many other private groups and FTP servers around besides these and then SoulSeek came along and made those pretty much obsolete but if any of those ring a bell to anyone -- Hola!

  5. Did my other message not post?

    1. Got it. Was just writing up my response.

      MrDave - Claiming two mill. status, not bad my friend, not bad. I haven’t decided on which list, naughty or nice, I’m puttin’ you. Since you are my fifth best commenter, I’m leanin’ toward nice. Since you name-dropped Digital Meltd0wn, I’m leaning further in that direction.

      The idea for the wish-list of three was so I could narrow it to one per requestor, so dropping ten has me tilting back toward naughty a smidge, but the chutzpah of claiming Rob & Ballaberg's spots pushed me all the way to nice. I like yer style.

      A few comments on your list: there are a few stumpers on there, which limits my choices (Tina Harvey & Bob Frank are kinda out of my wheelhouse); Psychic Temple & Fitted are both on Bandcamp so I try not to step on folks earning ability; The Figgs are still active, have a good website at thefiggs.net & offer Suckin in Stereo (our friend jonder posted over on Growing bored for a living a great Figgs piece with downloads @ http://growboredbigscott62.blogspot.com/2016/03/jonder-presents-figgs.html); & man, Ned ‘Fuckin’ Lagin...really? The Dead? Phil Lesh? That shit could get you banned around here if you do that again (you’ve been warned & I don’t wanna discuss it).

      David Holmes is a fave of mine so I might hit that hard. Dieselhed, Bill Fay, & Shira Small are in the running, so that about hits all the highlights.

      I’ll announce my December plans at the end of November.

      Thanks. You're my first & we never forget our first.

    2. Yeah, sorry about some of those there; was looking for older stuff I hadn't found yet but certainly some of those don't belong here. I have those Figgs that Jonder shared, I forgot it was on "Big Scott's" blog though. I wonder what ever happened to him?!? I got a lot of good stuff over there. Anyways, THANK YOU for your consideration of my other items!!

  6. Oooh oooh -- I have another request!!
    MONOSHOCK - Lost Shock (Vol 1 + Vol 2) These were my college buddies in the late 80s

    1. Playing the buddies card, you are good. Added to the list...if my drug-addled brain serves me, I have those I believe.


  7. Two million served! Congratulations! Here's to the next 2 milli.

    Over the years, you have generously answered many of my requests. I feel like we should be giving YOU a gift. Having said that, I would love to know what you would say about the bands Pescado Rabioso and the Decayes. I know very little about either of them. And just for kicks, how about a Naterocksampler of the jammiest jams to ever tickle your auditory ossicles?

    I dunno what happened to Big Scott. Wilfully Obscure blog just reposted some rare Figgs. I still love that band. Send them a few bucks on Bandcamp, MrDave!

    1. Hey Mr Jonder Pescado rabioso is great psych from Argentina's 70's.
      A great choice involving Luis Alberto Spinetta, one of the most multifacetic characters of our culture. Try to check his group Invisible (also from the seventies) and his more contemporary power trio Los Socios del Desierto.
      Knowing he was dying he organised a many days-long stadium concert involving all his mates from the different bands he led and it was mind blowing. He was from another galaxy. Very glad to see him somehow in this grat blog.
      Cheers. Diego.

  8. The next 2 milli. I should live so long.

    Since you & Ib have been around this joint the longest, you get grandfathered (ha ha) onto the Nice list. While I know absolutely zilch about the Decayes, I believe I have several releases by the Rabid Fish that I gathered for the Argentina post that I never got around to using while I was doing Musick Around the World. I will add them to your stocking stuffer, my friend.

    As to a Naterocksampler of my jammiest jams, well, that might tax my brain beyond it monetary limits. I'll think on it, but jeez...

    Thank you for all you've done. I'm thinking about a Holidaze gift for ye olde jonderblog if you would be open to such an idea. No pressure, just saying.

    1. You know you are always welcome to visit, and I'd love to see what you might bring to share.

      I have found the Decayes albums online except for the last one, "Ten Guitars", which has eluded my search efforts. Finding these records in the flesh is nearly impossible, as they were produced in small quantities with handmade covers.

      Here's a tribute to the late Decayes frontman Ron Kane and his passion for record collecting:


    2. PS - I don't have any Pescado Rabioso. My curiosity was piqued when I heard two musick junkies talking about them, but I forgot to follow up. As an avid pescatarian, I look forward to anything you might choose to dish up.

      You can do a Naterocksampler, I know you can. It doesn't have to be a definitive summary of your musical passions, just a mix of tunes that shake your nerves, rattle your brain, or move your butt. You've compiled some speaker-rattling dub samplers over the years. I have faith in you, brudda.

    3. I've added Rabid Fish to you stocking. No you just have to be patient until December, young one.

    4. Christmess is gonna rabidly fishy this year!

      One of your readers saw my comment about the Decayes and emailed me with a DL of the album that I was missing. Some fine folk hang out around these parts, and wishes do come true!

    5. Great to hear. Indeed they do.

    6. By the way, I was thinking about doing a piece on Kimberly Freeman that has been floating around in my skull that I thought would be a good Xmas gift for jonderblog followers. A mix of some songs from her solo work, One-Eyed Doll, & Ghetto Princess. Whatcha think of that idea?

    7. Just saw this. I am entirely unfamiliar with Kimberly Freeman's music. So yes, it would make an excellent gift!

  9. Hey Dear Nathan Very glad to see your blog has a well deserved popularity and became some kind of community that many feel part of in this "superficial" world of internet sailors. In many ways you're a millionaire now.
    My only request will be Desmond Simmons "Alone on penguin island" that I had to sell in Buenos Aires when running short of money along with some other records and never saw again.
    On the other hand I'm thinking of other agentinian weirdness to share and help. I have no way to upload (miserable internet connection in rural Patagonia) but maybe I'll think of some data to approach.
    Thanks once more and hope life pays you back accordingly.
    Big hug from south Argentina.

    1. Thanks as always, anonymous from Patagonia. You're comments & presence here are always appreciated. You're on the Nice list & slated for Penguin Island.

  10. Speaking of Big Scott, giving some lovin' back to our benefactors, and weird October -- I rarely miss an opportunity to share and proselytize about the Philosophic Collage's Genius EP (1981) which is one of my most prized posessions. I shared it as a birthday present to Big Scott many years ago and more recently shared it with Jonny Zchivago on his Die or DIY blog (https://dieordiy2.blogspot.com/2020/09/chemicals-made-from-dirt-ike-1978-83.html) so you may have already been persuaded (i.e. tricked) into downloading it. But in case you or your readers haven't, here it is again! I purchased it from Zed Records in Long Beach along with the Salvation Army's first single and the Dream Syndicate's first EP, mistaking the title as "Psychedelic Collage". It was nothing like those Paisley Underground releases and it took a while for its "genius" to break through but inevitably it did, breaking me in the process as well.

    As I described then (copying and pasting), the Philosophic Collage is a peerless bass, drum, moog, harmonica retardo art-rock trio from Missouri; spasmodic art-damaged music from planet Moron featuring herky-jerky bass lines, odd time signatures with syncopated "punk-jazz" drumming, whacked out-of-key harmonica, and out-of-control moogs bleeping, blipping, blurping and squealing at you from both sides while the singer sarcastically mocks you with the most ridiculous lyrics ever written in his whining nasally voice oscillating up and down and up and down and ... well, you begin to get the picture.

    Johnny made a proper posting of it along with his own more relatable description here: https://dieordiy2.blogspot.com/2020/10/the-philosophic-collage-genius-american.html

    This is the same cleaner version Johnny posted but with album art and the more lengthy and detailed description/review I wrote up when I originally shared it with Big Scott on his Growing Bored for a Living blog:


  11. Thanks, MrDave. Hope everyone checks this out. I grabbed it over at Johnny's place but have to admit, I've have yet to give it a fair listen. I'll give it another try in light of this, plus I'll dl it again for the additional ephemera.

    1. I have a history of "over selling" things and surely that will appear to be the case here. It definitely won't knock your socks off and it falls in the "so bad it's good" category (the bad lyrics are certainly part of the charm). But it's a grower (imo). Not a lot of avant-punk bands with moogs and harmonica back then. Anyway, thanks for humoring me!!

    2. Wow, Jonny Z outdoes himself in terms of the sexism and racism in that post. Now I remember that Big Scott had a disturbing quantity of music from white supremacist bands, which he insisted that he was posting solely to promote discussion. Nothing against you, MrDave -- unless you're one of them draft dodging peace queers.

    3. Jonny Z pushing the boundaries of sexism & racism...come on. But seriously, I hate that fuckin' White Nazi shit. I always assumed (from his various other screeds on bands I do know) that M. Zhivago was dishing some dark humor & slagging that very mind-set?

      I have quit visiting otherwise "good" blogs because of their Nationalistic stance (in the guise of promoting discussion or whatever lame excuse). Growingbored being one & Down Underground (pre-viacomclosedmedown days) as another right off the top of my head.

      Finally, let me state proudly, sir, that I am a card carrying draft dodging peace freak.

    4. I parred my feed down a little while back and stopped following both DIY or DIE and Down Underground mostly due to effort vs. reward (e.g. having to tag the one out of 100 dollar bin albums that I actually wanted) but also Johnny's polemic can really wear a person down. He baits pretty much everyone but definitely seems to hate draft dodging peace freaks, like Nathan (and me), especially. However, I just took a look and he's back to posting some interesting private press weirdness like Pip Proud that I'm obligated to like (and I take my obligations seriously). I may have to wade back in to those treacherous waters -- say a little prayer for me.

    5. Domino's for Biscuits

  12. This argentinian old timer experimentalists can kick many newcomer's asses. For you to enjoy or avoid. Quite a racket.


    1. Man, I taking a mustard bath right now. awesome. Thanks.

    2. Concerning Pescado Rabioso here go two grat performances with a suitable weird intermission. Raw power.
      pescado rabioso en vivo

    3. I think the links are missing here.

    4. Sorry there it goes

  13. Hi, thanks for Your Kindness. Great Blog by the Way .My Request ist the Two Megaton Dubs from Lee Perry.Would be Great.

    1. Carlo, most any Dub request will get you on the nice list. I think I have both of those so be expecting a nice present come December. Thanks also for the kind words & your support.

  14. a Couch Flambeau discography might interest those who tune in here

    1. I just looked through all my music files & shamefully, no Couch Flambeau. I'll keep trying but you might have to try again. You get two more wishes.

    2. no worries! how about any Jackie Leven then?

    3. I can hook you up with some Couch Flambeau, as long as you're not from Cudahy.

    4. jonder: yikes, sorry for not checking in sooner at these comments - I usually do an internet search for blogs that might have Couch Flambeau, but only once a year or so - if you see this, please know that I am from North Carolina (now in SoCal)--definitely not Cudahy--& I certainly would never wanna be an Eddie!

  15. Hello, i have to admit that i discovered your blog not long ago, i was hooked immediately, thank you for you generosity.
    Being a big 4ad fan i found C'est La Mort (which i did not know) a great great discovery, that's why i would like to ask you Celestial by Heavenly Bodies.
    Thank you very much for the music and your great blog
    Hope you are doing fine, best regards

  16. Thanks for taking the time to comment. Welcome aboard, Pablo. I'm delighted that you discovered C'est La Mort here. Woody's work is all a great inspiration to me & I am overjoyed to share it with others. Your request will be granted, but you'll have to wait until December for the gifts to start rolling out.
