31 October 2021

You’re Such a Mommy Man

Well, that's the last of the weird. WEIRD OCTOBER, that is. Around here, thing will always get weirder before they get weirder. 


Geza X is an L.A. based producer whose credits include some of the biggest names in punk (The Germs - Lexicon Devil EP & Dead Kennedys - Holiday in Cambodia to name just two).

He was also a musician, a guitarist & vocalist, leader of Geza X & the Mommymen. This is their only album.

Lovers of weird science fiction noises & catchy, up-tempo songs will enjoy "We Need More Power" or  "Isotope Soap".  People into Danny Elfman/Tim Burton dark carnival weirdness will like "Pony Ride II", "Rio Grande Hotel", "The Paranoids are Coming" or "Practicing Mice".  If you want weird novelty funk with annoying, high-pitch “meow”s, you’ve got “Funky Monsters.”  If you want weird ethnic music making fun of Geza X's very own ethnic background, you've got "Hungarian" (apparently, they have an IQ of 6!).  If you're looking for weird creepy as all hell, demo-era Devo style, robotic music you've got "Mean Mr. Mommy Man".  If you want weird poppy new wave, you've got CD bonus track, "Rx Rock & Roll".  And, if you want a weird xylophone filled rock song that trashes the very people that listen to this record, you've got "I Hate Punks". All in all, it's all weird.

This is the 2002 re-issue of the 1981 classic with two bonus tracks. 


Geza X & the Mommymen - You Goddam Kids!, Bacchus Archives BA1171, 2002.
decryption code in comments

Pony Ride II    
Rio Grand Hotel    
We Need More Power    
Isotope Soap    
The Paranoids are Coming    
Funky Monsters    
Practicing Mice    
I Hate Punks    
Mean Mr. Mommy Man    
bonus tracks    
Rx Rock & Roll    
Pony Ride I



  1. Thanks for the upgrade -- been a fan since "Isotope Soap" showed up on the Let Them Eat Jellybeans comp. HAPPY HALLOWWEENIE weirdos - stay weird!

    1. You Goddam Kids!

  2. A BIG THANKS!!! Working on my Halloween posts now for tomorrow...was a week off!

  3. our vinyl came with a bumper sticker
