04 November 2021

The Girls of Sun City

I have closely followed the career of the Sun City Girls from the time I first heard Midnight Cowboys from Ipanema in 1986. I have seen them live on numerous occasions, whenever they played anywhere near where I was at the time. The last time I saw them (kinda) was summer 2008 at the Horse/Cow art collective when Alan Bishop & Richard Bishop played "The Brothers Unconnected": A tribute to the Sun City Girls & Charles Gocher, the SCG's drummer who had died from cancer in February 2007.

They're right up there with Bill Nelson, Muslimgauze, & Legendary Pink Dots in sheer numbers of releases that I have accumulated over the years. I'm sure I won't even scratch the surface of everyone's favorites & I'll probably offend a good many in the process, but here's the mix I've compiled. It was one of the hardest ones to do in this series because of the mass quantity & vast variety in their materisl.

Radio Morocco
Kill the Klansmen
Blue West
Black Weather Shoes
3D Girls
The Venerable Song (The Meaning of Which is No Longer Known) pt. 1
Ruby on the Ferris Wheel
Cruel & Thin
Black Orchid
A Thrones Stow
Book of Revelations



  1. I'm glad you made this compilation, because I am completely unfamiliar with these gals and their music. Read a lot of good things about them, just never listened to their music -- now there's no excuse not to check them out!

    1. This is a fairly easy step into the Girls water. There are a few more edgy items, but mostly things I though might appeal to those familiar with their craziness as well as the uninitiated. Hope you enjoy.

  2. I'm defininitely a SCG fan though I never got to see them. I'm sure I don't have some of these; even if I do I wouldn't know where to find them so thank you!

    1. Tried to feature things that I really like from throughout their deep catalog. Enjoy

  3. Sweet! Much appreciated

  4. Fucken' A, my Good One.

    Thank you for sharing this kind of gems with us, merely mortals. And, first of all, your effort towards Art is very much appreciated.

    Stay brutal.

    1. Staying as brutal as an old man can. I am particularly fond of this compilation. In my opinion, a great cross-section of SCG musick without scaring off the newcomers.
