15 November 2021

The Snapshots had Become Almost as Dim as Memories


Eyeless in Gaza is a semi-autobiographical novel of a man's search for a personal escape from the moral disillusionment of the modern world. No wait, that's Aldous Huxley’s 1936 monumental novel of the post WWI world.

The Eyeless in Gaza here was formed by Martyn Bates & Peter Becker in 1980. Since that time they have compiled a body of work with both remarkably consistent quality as well as near-total lack of mainstream recognition. They continue unabashedly creating their unique post-punk sounds. They have described their music as "veering crazily from filmic ambiance to rock & pop, industrial funk to avant-folk styles."  Bates & Becker present melancholy unsettling sketches with minimal percussion, introspective lyrics, emotionally charged vocals combined with sparse melodic keyboard & guitar patterns.

If you're not really partial to this band, then just keep moving, nothing to see here. If you don't know this band, you might want to check this out. If you like the band, then here are some fine memories... 


Eyeless in Gaza - Pales Hands' Picks, NØ Comps, 2021.
decryption code in comments

See Red
Dreaming at Rain
No Noise
Falling Leaf Fading Flower: Goodbye to Summer
Welcome Now
Sorrow Loves Yr Laughter
Mysterious Traffic
The Day Began
You Are Grace
Ill-Wind Blows
Rose Petal Knot
The Eyes of Beautiful Losers
Said Bitterly



  1. Niiiiice Natin' Notin'(notin' well I might add)..didn't have this one

    1. Pale Hands’ Pick

  2. This looks great, Nate. Late to acquaint myself, I will not hesitate adding to my shelf.


  3. Link says that the file is no longer available :(
