23 December 2021

Dance Amongst the Stars

A special gift for Pablo from the deep vaults of Woody Dumas & C’est La Mort.

This rare recording features the great vocalist Caroline Seaman (of This Mortal Coil & 808 State) along with didgeridoo player & saxophonist Tony Waerea (This Mortal Coil), bassist Scott Rodger & drummer James Pinker (both of Dead Can Dance). With the band name Heavenly Bodies & the album title Celestial, it's easy to infer that this will be some lush, ethereal music.


Heavenly Bodies - Celestial, C'est La Mort CLM CD010, 1990.
decryption code in comments

Rains on Me   
An Obsession   
Time Stands Still   
The Icon   
Stars Collide   
Road to Maralinga   
Shades of Love   
Sendero Luminoso

bonus tracks -
Anima (live)   
Coercion (instrumental)   
Rains on Me (Robin Guthrie remix)



  1. OBTW, when I was growing up, Woody Dumas--pronounced Dumb-ass, you can not make this shit up--was the mayor of the fair city of Baton Rouge, LA and notable, remarkably for the time and place, for not being a racist asshole. Dumb as a post, mind you. We also had a District Attorney called Sergeant Pitcher; Sergeant was not a rank, but actually the poor dimwit's first name. One our home phone, which was tapped by said DA, my parents chose to refer to him as Private Pitcher. We like to think he was annoyed.

    1. I would guess the mayor was a different dumb ass.

  2. Celestial
