20 January 2022

This Tree is Free, but Noisy

Thor's Rubber Hammer was a record label originally based out of Athens, Georgia that moved its base of operation to Washington, D.C.. It existed from 2006 - 2011. Suprisingly, for a time Athens had a noise scene that not only spawned this label but was able to score an entire compilation.

Deeded to Itself: Athens Southernoise is a compilation put together by Thor's Rubber Hammer label boss Lars Gotrich. Here's what Lars has to say:
     ''Right about the time I was thinking of moving to Washington, D.C., in the summer of 2006, I couldn't help but notice a small noise scene coalescing around Athens, Georgia. It didn't sound like the harsh-wall histrionics coming out of Michigan or the No Fun set of NYC. The sonics were slower and muggier, weighed down by humid summers and the drawl of Southern life

     The CD was released at a big show in February 2007 that I booked at the DIY space Secret Squirrel in Athens. We had two stages set up for a continuous assault on the ears, and went until 3 in the morning. With the exception of Killick, none of these artists exist anymore, but for a little while there, Athens had a Southernoise all it own.''

The title of the release, ''Deeded to Itself'' is a reference to a white oak tree that owns itself located near downtown Athens. In 1832, Colonel William H. Jackson's will deeded the tree possession of itself & all the land within eight feet of its trunk. The original giant oak, estimated around 400 years old, fell over during a wind storm on October 9, 1942. Not wanting the tradition to die, members of the Junior Ladies Garden Club of Athens were determined to replace the Tree. Garden Club members gathered acorns from the site & lovingly began growing a second-generation white oak to replace Colonel Jackson's beloved tree. In just four short years, on December 4, 1946, Junior Ladies members planted the sapling that stands tall today as the Tree That Owns Itself. 



Various - Deeded to Itself: Athens Southernoise, Thor’s Rubber Hammer, 2007.
decryption code in comments

Poem X - Altruizine
Untitled - Orthopedics
Stormdrum - Killick
It's the End of the World (& We Didn't Know It) - Long Legged Woman
Who Will Save Your Soul¿ - Sailor Winters
Speaking Softly - Chartrueses
Heart Skins - Garbage Island
Death & Grieving - Better People
Green Mountain - Telenovela



  1. NnOXqU-Oe7IdL-QiEWQqyyxguvdxiOKQ8Pxf1NkVHy8

  2. Curious about this. Mr. Gotrich went on to write about (mostly) heavy metal for NPR i think. I always looked forward to his year-end recommendation list, which averaged maybe 40% metal but also included a very wide variety of musics. I always found at least one thing I loved on those lists. Not sure what dude is up to now, I don't have time to follow music journalism at the moment. Thanks for this!
