13 February 2022

The Well-Tempered Clavier

 The Fems of Feb.

Natalia Clavier grew up in Buenos Aires & from a young age immersed herself in a world of music: classical; jazz; Argentinian folk; & pop as well as the radio sounds of American soul & protest rock.

She then moved to Barcelona to broadened her musical horizons further. She was soon adding vocals to dance singles, singing live at raves in front of thousands as well as solo in the rather more intimate jazz scene.  There she met fellow ex-pat Federico Aubele, an Argentine singer-songwriter with several albums to his name on Thievery Corporation's label Eighteenth Street Lounge. Natalia & Federico became partners in music. The demos they made were soon shaped into her debut album, Nectar, released in 2008 on ESL Music.

Nectar showcases Natalia's beautiful voice over spare jazz-soul arrangements. The album created the opportunity for her to become a lead vocalist with Thievery Corporation. 



Natalia Clavier - Nectar, Eighteenth Street Lounge Music ESL 131, 2008.
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El Árbol
Ay De Mi
No Volverá    
Mi Mentira
La Mitad    
Tu Que Pueded Vuélvete


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