16 March 2022

Trouble in the Middle East


I know there is a great deal of controversy surrounding Bryn Jones & his Muslimgauze project. There have been denunciations of his work as anti-semitic but I must point out that it is not anti-semitic. It could more correctly be classified as anti-Zionist. 


I call bullshit on the religious theory propogated by Judeo-Christian zealots that Adolph Hitler leveled the Jewish karma for killing the Christian Messiah & that the atrocities enacted on the Jewish people by the Nazis somehow justified the creation of Israel. We have seen how things go for a native culture when Colonialist powers seize land already inhabited (as Anglo-America vs the Indigenous Peoples). Well, there were already people living in Palestine at the time of the creation of the Zionist State of Israel. It was obviously not going to go well, & indeed, the problems in the Middle East have only escalated since the days of Muslimgauze.

I found Muslimgauze because I, too, believed that a great injustice had been carried out in the knee-jerk reaction by the world's populace in general to the horrors of the Holocaust. Creating Israel out of Palestine was not the way to go about things. Two wrongs don't make a right. 


I started buying all the Staalplaat & Soleilmoon releases of Muslimgauze as they became available. Vinyl-On-Demand recently released Chasing the Shadow of Bryn Jones 1983-1988, an 11 CD box set covering (obviously) the years 1983 - 1988. I would like to concentrate on a different time period. The mid 90s were the highlights for my personal likes. I would like to share these particular five.

First up, we have a CD recorded at Abraham Mosque, Manchester March 5, 1994, written in response to the Februry 25, 1994 tragedy in Hebron, West Bank, Palestine. Baruch Goldstein, an Israeli radical, opened fire on a large number of Palestinian Muslims who had gathered to pray inside the Ibrahimi Mosque at the Cave of the Patriarchs. The attack left 29 people dead, several as young as twelve, & 125 wounded. 


Muslimgauze - Hebron Massacre, Soleilmoon Recordings SOL 24 CD, 1994.
all decryption codes in comments

Hebron Massacre 





Muslimgauze - Arab Quarter 2xCD, Soleilmoon Recordings SOL 44CD, 1996.
Anti Arab Media Censor Part 1    
Anti Arab Media Censor Part 2    
Yassin Ayyash Part 1    
Yassin Ayyash Part 2    
Arab Jerusalem    
Extract 1    
Extract 2    
Extract 3    
Extract 4    
Palestine is Our Izlamic Land Part 1    
Palestine is Our Izlamic Land Part 2    

CD2:Eleven Minarets -

Eleven Minarets Part 1    
Eleven Minarets Part 2    
Eleven Minarets Part 3    
Eleven Minarets Part 4    
Eleven Minarets Part 5    
Eleven Minarets Part 6    
Eleven Minarets Part 7    
Eleven Minarets Part 8
Eleven Minarets Part 9    
Eleven Minarets Part 10    
Eleven Minarets Part 11
Muslimgauze - Return of Black September, Staalplaat Muslimlim 004, 1996.

Return of Black September    
Remix of Thugghee (actually a remix of Return of Black September)
Remix of Opiate & Mullah
Muslimgauze - Azzazin, Staalplaat MUSLIMLIM 003, 1996.

Muslimgauze - Sandtrafikar, Staalplaat Muslimlim 011, 1997.

Sandtrafikar 1    
Sandtrafikar 2    
God & I    
Baku Oil Field     1
Baku Oil Field     2
Re-mix by The Rootsman



  1. Hebron Massacre
    Arab Quarter CD1
    Arab Quarter CD2
    Return of Black September

  2. Shukran!!! majaanan filastin!!

  3. This is brilliant, thank you.

  4. I am a big fan of Muslimgauze but never know how it sits with others. Glad you are enjoying these. Thanks for the comment.

  5. Zul'm, Intifaxa, Citadel, Bhutto, Bryn Jones Speaks and United States Of Islam as I recall were amazing albums on Extreme, would love to hear it again. Speaking of releases on Extreme I would love to hear these again also on Extreme - Jim O'Rourke - Remove The Need, Lights In A Fat City - Sound Column, The Fire This Time - Dancing On John Wayne's Head, The Fire This Time Still Dancing On John Wayne's Head and The Fire This Time – Basslines & Ballistics.
    That label put out a log ot amazing music, now mostly no longer available...

  6. I have often been accused of having extreme music. But Extreme music...I believe I have the Jim O'Rourke, the Lights in a Fat City, & Basslines & Ballistics but don't think I have the two John Wayne's Head releases. It'll take me a few days to search around for them. I'll just put the links in a comment here so check back a few times.

    I don't know if you were just commenting on the Muslimgauze releases or if you were interested in me posting them. I have some or all so let me know about those as well.

    Thanks so much for the comments. I get on this as quick as I can.

    1. As per request from Anonymous:

      Lights in a Fat City - Sound Column, Extreme XCD 023, 1993.
      Memory Ground

      Jim O’Rourke - Remove the Need, Extreme XCD 018, 1993.
      Chicago One
      Zurich One
      Zurich Two
      Chicago Two

      The Fire this Time - Basslines & Ballistics, Extreme XCDEB 7001 2, 1995.
      Basslines & Ballistics
      No White Borders Dub
      Basslines Jazz Dub

  7. NØ blessings! I went back and found these after your most recent and excellent Muslimgauze post.

    1. There is more elsewhere around this dump if you're so inclined. Also there is another post with the same name September 23, 2017 that has a compilation Various - Nightlands. It contains Muslimgauze & a bunch of other great bands.
