14 April 2022

Sincere Apologies

To quote Mark Twain, "The report of my death was an exaggeration."

When I posted The Last Call, I had no idea the chaos that would ensue. 20 comments & a shitload of emails. I apologize.

A combination of my usual sick sense of humor & particularly bad foresight created this incredibly unfortunate fiasco. As carlo 243 so eloquently stated: "That joke isn't funny anymore." or as kostas.p more succinctly said: "Dreadful joke."

Please let me explain.

I have been gone for the last two weeks. I was attending a Buddhist retreat in the Laurel Highlands. Spring cleaning the spirit. Fasting every other days, vow of silence, no use of any devices or even electricity. I spent the time cleansing my soul & body in the bosom of nature. I am centered & pacific but also super invigorated & slightly edgy.

I returned & flipped on the ole PC &...

For a brief instant I actually considered just calling it quits rather than trying to appease all the friends of NSS I have obviously disappointed. But I love music & I'm addicted to sharing the tunes with their  "charms to soothe this savage breast". So I'll just eat some humble pie instead.

I thought I was being clever, posting up an April Fool joke. I even used the photo from Patti Smith's "April Fool" as the cover art & included that track in the download without listing it in the tracklist. I figured everyone would get it & that would be that.

Well, that idea obviously didn't go well.

I think most everyone figured out the joke, but as time wore on, the humor waned & then died. Soon its corpse was stinking up the place. I called the meatwagon to haul off the remains as soon as I returned. Now I'm trying to air the place out just a little.

All I can really do is apologize & ever onward. 



Here is everything I have from one of my favorite post-punk groups. 

There are kinda two Glaxos. One with & one without Rob Chapman. 

It's mostly here for you. I have posted their Christine Keeler 7" elsewhere.

Glaxo Babies - This is Your Life 12" 45, Heartbeat Records - 12 PULSE 3, 1979.
all decryption codes in comments

Side One -
This is Your Life
Stay Awake

Side Two -
Because of You
Who Killed Bruce Lee?
Glaxo Babies - Nine Months to the Disco, Heartbeat Records HB2, 1980.

Side One -
Maximum Sexual Joy
This is Your Vendetta
Seven Days
Electric Church
Nine Days to the Disco

Side Two -
Promised Land
The Tea Master & the Assassin
Free Dem Cells
Dinosaur Disco meets the Swampsstomp
Shake (the Foundations)
Glaxo Babies - Put Me on the Guest List, Heartbeat Records HB3, 1980.

Side One -
Avoid the Issue
Because of You
This is Your Life
Police State
Who Killed Bruce Lee? (version)

Side Two-
Stay Awake
She Went to Pieces
Puppet Patrol

Intelligence Side -
Limited Entertainment
If Someone Side -
There’ll Be No Room for You in the Shelter
Permission to Be Wrong
Cherry Red cdmred322, 2007.

This Way is Out
Rainy Taxi
Tracy’s Face
Under te Sun
Buddy Said (Wildstyle Will Freeze You)
Hey Priestess
Man from Porlock
I Know a Joke
Metal Moon
That’s the Time Mr. Wolf
Mercy Corps
Christine Keeler (Between a Rock & a Hard Place mix)
Shady World
What Goes on in Your Life

I was going to include Dreams Interrupted (The Bewilderment Years 1978-1980)  but all of the tracks are re-released tunes on the previous Glaxo I've already posted, except for "It's Irrational" from the Avon Calling (The Bristol Compilation) & "Time Out: Lost Causes", "Tell Me", & "Punkjazz"  which were previously unreleased.

I've posted these bonus tracks in a separate file here.



  1. This is Your Life
    Nine Months
    Guest List
    Limited Entertainment
    The Porlock Factor
    bonus tracks

  2. Perhaps a bit o' wisom from Sri Swami Satchidananda might be helpful: “Any kind of expectation creates a problem. We should accept, but not expect. Whatever comes, accept it. Whatever goes, accept it. The immediate benefit is that your mind is always peaceful.”

  3. BTW, welcome back and thx for the Glaxos. I have Nine Months To The Disco somewhere around here, but haven't listened in a long time. Glad to have a reminder

  4. My inner peace has been restored....

  5. Wow, thanks Nathin'!!! A fave genre AND a band I don't have covered. Welcome back from a cool sounding retreat! I remember the guy at 80sonspeed blog took a couple breaks but it was to go to the psychiatrist he said! Music lovers like us get through that stuff. Check out my Psycho Realm post this week...hah hah "this is the end!??!?" ha ha kind of goes in synch with your last post.

  6. Good for you, taking a break to cleanse body, mind and soul. The online life and the endless news cycle of power, corruption and lies can wear you down.

    I think NSS fans and friends will likely be forgiving and relieved to have you back. Plus this Glaxo Babies bonanza, wow!

  7. I'll light some Bud(ha) to celebrate your return. A weed re treat,

  8. Good to have You back.Hope your all well as You hoped.Namasté
    By the Way-Thanks for the Glaxos. Good Post.As Ever

  9. Yay for the cleanse. Honestly, after the first few days I wasn't expecting you back until May 1st. Welcome back to the chaos that is the internet.

  10. Thanks to everyone for the kind words & for giving me a break. I'll try to keep the bad humor to a minimum & stick to the musick.

  11. Thanks for the Glaxos, a post-punk band that should be better known. Also welcome back and glad your retreat was so cleansing.

  12. Woo Woo! Welcome back Nathan -- great to have this blog kickin' again, such as it is (*ducks*). Haha, jk -- this is wonderful blog. Thanks for the Glaxo Babes.
