24 April 2022

The Source of a Bad Joke

All right. This is the last mea culpa you're going to get from me. Here are the source codes for the HATED Last Call comp. Follow the links to their delightful ends. Wonders abound.

The Last Call source codes...All decryption codes in comments.

"RL wasn't no real man. A real man gits born, does what li'l he can, and then he dies. That's it! You could remember a real man and say how he lived an' how he died. But RL fooled you. He played guitar when he shouldn't'a been able to, an' nbody knows how he died. Maybe it was the pneumonia, maybe a jealous man. Satan coulda come an' made him bark like a dog 'fore takin' him home.

But us po' fools lookin' fo' his story is lost 'fore we begin. 'Cause Robert Johnson wasn't never born an' couldn't die. He was Delta blue from the bottom of his soul. He was the blues; he is today. Ain't no start to his misery. An' death could not never ease his kinda pain."

from Back Road to the Blues
Soupspoon Wise


track 1 --- "Something on My Mind" - Primitons
from: Don't Go Away: Collected Works

track 2 --- "Mission Impossible" - Lizzy Mercier Descloux
from: Press Color

track 3 --- "Had It" - Mosaico
from: Magic Midsummer

track 4 --- "Pulled to Bits" - The Mars Volta
from : Bedlam bonus tracks

track 5 --- "Another Bad Day" - Beat Ride (Antigoni Kostala)
from : Dreamers EP


Written for a Musician

Hungry for music with a desperate hunger
I prowl abroad, I threaded through the town;
The evening crowd was clamoring & drinking,
Vulgar & pitiful --- my heart bowed down ---
Till I remembered duller hours made noble
By strangers clad in some surprising grace.
Wait, wait, my soul, your music comes ere midnight
Appearing in some unexpected place
With quivering lips, & gleaming, moonlit face.

from The Congo & Other Poems
Vachel Lindsay


track 6 --- "Help" - Yargo
from : Bodybeat

track 7 --- "I Want My Minutes Back" - Snapped Ankles
from: Come Play the Trees

track 8 --- "Just Get High" - The Desert
from: The Disappearing Act

track 9 --- "The Last Dance" - St. Paul & the Broken Bones
from: The Alien Coast

track 10 -- "Everything is Coming to an End" - London Underground
from: Through a Glass Darkly


"He was going now. It was like being washed down a roaring river. & he could see the falls ahead. He was going over the falls & they were rushing toward him with the water roaring in his ears.

He could see the abyss beyond the falls & the drop was long, very long, & he thought his brain would burst.

& he burned all along his nerves as he dropped into a place where the world did not exist, all of it entirely destroyed."

from The Knockout Artist
Harry Crewes


track 11 -- "It's Noy Over Yet" - Klaxons
from: Myths of the Near Future

track 12 -- "Over My Head" - Moloko
from: I'm Not a Doctor

track 13 -- "Final Service" - Ritual Howls
from: Turkish Leather

track 14 -- "Something for Nothing" - 1000 Mexicans
from: Dance like Ammunition

track 15 -- "Or So It Seems" - Duet Emmo
from: Or So It Seems


“Pain moved up the old man's hipbone like a plow breaking through hard sod. So much pain he could barely think. He shit himself on the long walk from the shelter toward home and fell in the street more than once. No one moved to help him --- passersby steered a wide path to get away from the smell. Soupspoon Wise staggered up Bowery toward the East Village imagining being home again, away from the dormitory of disheveled men. Those gibbering and farting men calling out to people who weren't there.

Three blocks from the apartment he felt a crack come into the bone. A blood-black splinter that went so deep he cried out, "Oh no!" His diaphragm trembled and the choked sobs came out in a broken whine. He went down on his left knee while trying to keep the right leg straight. He could have died on that frozen street, counting out the time between sighs --- fingers drumming on his chest.

Music thrummed in his body; the rattles of death in the tortured song of his breathing. Soon he was moving his head to this rhythm; even the crackling pain in his hip pulsed in time. He got back to his feet and hobbled to the new music; reeling and rocking on a river of unsteady feet. Maybe he'd die before he got there. But he'd die singing and making music out of his life the way real men did it a long time ago.”

from RL's Dream
Walter Mosely


track 16 -- "What's Wrong with Me" - Skye Edwards
from: Mind How You Go

track 17 -- "Be About the Future" - Oneness of Juju
from: African Rhythms (1970-1982) CD1

track 18 -- (unlisted in tracklist) "APRIL FOOL"!!! - Patti Smith
from: Banga special edition

track 19 -- "The Sound of Silence" - Chromatics
from: Closer to Grey

track 20 -- "The End" - Dr. Echo
from: Dr. Echo Presents: Cure for the Dubless

Dig deep,


  1. Don’t Go Away: Collected Works
    Press Color
    Magic Midsummer
    Bedlam bonus tracks
    Dreamers EP
    Come Play the Trees
    The Disappearing Act
    The Alien Coast
    Through a Glass Darkly
    Myths of the Near Future
    I’m Not a Doctor
    Turkish Leather
    Dance like Ammunition
    Or So It Seems
    Mind How You Go
    African Rhythms (1970-1982) CD1
    Banga special edition
    Closer to Grey
    Dr. Echo Presents: Cure for the Dubless

  2. You've done your penance and then some; you are forgiven, brother

  3. But will I ever forgive myself???
