04 June 2022

The Men with the X-Ray Eyes


St. Louis quartet Raymilland existed from 1979 to 1981. They played only eight shows in their career. Those live gigs were something, though. Locally, they opened for Magazine at the Kiel Exhibition Hall & Ultravox at Mississippi Nights. In Chicago they supported Adrian Belew, punk band Chelsea, & Tuxedomoon. They were scheduled to open for Joy Division's first American tour which was cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances (Ian's suicide).

The original 7" of this legendary St. Louis band. 


Raymilland – Raymilland 7", Praxis 002076X, 1980.

A Side –

B Side –
Distant View



  1. encrytion key?

    1. No decryption codes needed for singles. Code request was error. Fixed now. Refresh & try again.

  2. I got to see Raymilland during their reunion tour, which was a real pleasure.

    1. That must have been great.

      I saw them once in '79 when the circus was in St. Louis, not any of the great shows listed above though The show was not memorable enough to even remember the headliners but I remember Raymilland to this day.

      Unlike most of the mid-west bands of that time that seem to have been influenced by Devo, RM were more in the Hawkwind meets Eno style.

  3. Must've been quite a thing to open up for such groups. Great angular guitars make the ideal warm up for those headliners. First notice I get from them.
    Thank you Nathan.
    A wall of frost is building outside my modest patagonian shelter as I dig for my copy of Tuxedomoon's "Half mute" Intuition commands.

    1. For a band that only played eight live shows, it must definitely have been exhilarating to play with such phenomenal acts (Magazine...Tuxedomoon...).

      Can't ever go wrong with some Tuxedomoon. Thanks for the comment, my Patagonia friend.
