22 September 2022

Flogging...For Anton


I wasn't going to post up any new music until I got a response or two about my last post. However, the untimely death of drummer Anton Fier made me change my mind.

Feelies, Lounge Lizards, Pere Ubu, Golden Palominos...the list goes ever onward. One of the good ones.

The Golden Palominos - A Dead Horse, Celluloid CELCD 6138, 1989.

Wild River
Shattered Image
Angel of Death
A Letter Back

Here the Golden Palominos are: Anton Fier - drums; Robert Kidney - guitar & vocals; Amanda Kramer - vocals; Nicky Skopelitis - guitar; Chuck Leavall - keyboards; Bernie Worrell - organ; Bill Laswell - bass; & Aiyb Dieng- percussion.

R.I.P. Anton,


  1. Thank you.
    RIP Anton

  2. muchas gracias,thanks a lot, great blog

  3. Yesterday I listened to "The Sound Of The Sand And Other Songs Of The Pedestrian" by David Thomas And The Pedestrians, especially the track "The Crickets In The Flats" features the excellent drumming by Anton Fier. Love your blog. Thank you, greetings from Germany.

  4. Thanks Nate, R.I.P. Anton. Left a lot of good beats behind for us
