07 September 2022

Help One of the Good Ones


I just learned from Music*Hertz blog that iconic bass player / producer Bill Laswell is in need of help from his fans, friends, & fellow artists. 

A note from Bill, titled "Entering the 2nd phase of Sacred Begging: EMERGENCY" included details of Laswell's difficulties over the pandemic with preexisting health conditions, his recent eviction from his Manhattan home, & his struggle to hold on to the lease of his legendary New Jersey studio, Orange Music. 

A GoFundMe (see link below) campaign is set up & has been receiving tremendous support from Bill's global network of fans responding with an outpouring of love & support. If you cherish this man as I do, help out, as I have.


Read "Translations in Dub: A Conversation with Bill Laswell" for an in-depth & intimate visit with the man himself.

& you can donate to Bill Laswell's GoFundMe.

Enjoy "Baron Samedi"...the first track from Bill Laswell, Mick Harris, & Eraldo Bernocchi:

Equations of Eternity - Vevè, WordSound WSCD028, 1998.

Please do what's right,


  1. All our support for Bill, a fearless experimenter.
    We need musicians like him more than ever.
    Thanks Nathan for spreading yhe word.
    This is the first song I heard from him, a favourite to this days and a true postpunk classic

  2. Thanks for your caring thoughts. All so true. & "Slow Murder" is one of my favorite Material tunes. Thanks for the link.
