10 September 2022

Prompted by Other Blogs, Part 2

I'm always cruising around the interweb, looking for interesting music on various blogs. I'll see or hear something out there that sets me on a path, a new musical journey. 


This time I was drawn to a posting on myvinyldreams. There you'll mostly find 80s/90s vinyl (usually singles & EPs) with all the extra tracks & remixes that come with the singles releases. 


DJjedredy (Primary School teacher in Manchester. Vinyl junkie & 80s nostalgia freak) posted X Mal Deutschland - Sickle Moon 12" single. Get it here. Always a big fan of XMD, so I thought maybe I'd post up their singles from their first, Schwarze Welt 7" from 1981 up to Sickle Moon. 


Xmal Deutschland - Schwarze Welt 7", Zickzack ZZ 31, 1981.

Side 1 -
Scwarze Welt

Side 2 -




Seite 1 -
Incubus Succubus

Seite 2 -
Zu Jung zu Alt
Blut ist Liebe




Over -
Incubus Succubus II

This Side -
X Mal Deutschland - Qual 12", 4AD BAD 305, 1983.

Over -
Qual (12“ remix)

This Side -

Side A -

Side B -
Xmal Deutschland - Sequenz 12", Red Rhino Europe RRET 1, 1985.

Side a -
Jahr um Jahr II

Side b -
X Mal Deutschland - Matador 12", Xile XMAL 112, 1986.

Side 45.a -
Matador (12“ remix)

Side 45.b -



  1. Hey Interesting blog proposals (and I love Xmal too).
    In MVD I found a post where the blog guys are (rightfully) upset about readers imposing FLAC requests.
    How can people be so rude with the ones sharing their records and knowledge?
    On another topic I've been listening to Minotaur shock. It may be on your wavelenght.

  2. Thanks for the comments about other blogs. I'm always finding stuff around the interweb, just decided to give a few a bit of a mention. Hope you find some good music.

    Not familiar with Minotaur Shock but listened to one song & liked it so I snagged Maritime. Will give it a listen & get back to you.

  3. Hey Casually the initial post in MVD was a David J EP, much appreciated.
    I've recently read his book "Who killed Mr Moonlight"
    Here goes a link in case you didn't check it. Cheers

    1. Thanks for the link. Visitors will be pleased.

  4. Since we're on the subject of other music blogs, not sure if your familiar with the blog Needle Time (https://timeneedle.blogspot.com/) which also offers some very nice vinyl rips (ultra-mega-uber 24-Bit 176.4kHz flac from high-quality masters). Mostly 80s britpop and Japanese "city pop" which isn't my thing at all but also some stone-cold jazz, funk, soul and rock classics of the highest caliber for those who care about such things (mp3 is always fine with me but some of the mastering & dynamics on some of these releases is head & shoulders above the standard CD releases most of us have heard). Just passing it along!

  5. Used to be one of my go-to sources: EverythingBeginsWithanA... Still find plentya goodies at Needle Time. Thanks for giving everyone the link.
