25 December 2022

All Ha’ a Festive Yule

Lest we too quickly forget the chaos of the pandemic. Lest we forget the polarization of society caused by fear. How from some came an outpouring of empathy for the entire world. How from some came the selfish hatred of anyone different. How compassion shared the stage with racism & bigotry. Martin wrote these two tracks from the miasma of Covid fever. How we act in times of crisis spotlights our true souls.

Burn another X-ule log for Mother Earth & love thy neighbor. 


Covidium I
Covidium II



  1. Truer words were never written. All the best to you for a happy Christmas and thank you for continuing your fine blog.

  2. Wise words and thanks for the bonus beats.

  3. Happy Holidays Nathan -- thanks for all the yule tidings!
