03 December 2022

TEECEEBEE II - Chasing the Blues Away

This all began with a comment on a December 2015 posting of Fad Gadget & Frank Tovey


On November 26 this year, D commented:
     "Hi, I have all the Fad Gadget albums, trying to find the 6 studios as Frank Tovey.
Any chance you have them? Thanks. D.".

To which I replied:
     "As far as Frank Tovey, I have Civilian & Tyranny & the Hired Hand as well as Frank Tovey & the Pyros - Worried Men in Second-hand Suits (& Grand Union which I found while digging things out of my garbage file dump). If you're interested in any of those, let me know."

D responded:
     "Yes anything by Tovey I would appreciate. Wiki shows he had 6 studios, I'll find them all eventually. I have a large collection so if you have been looking for anything let me know. Would love to return the favor. Thanks, D."

Well, as they say, that was the beginning of a beautiful relationship. I sent D a list of Bill Nelson titles I was searching for & he came up with 15!!!  Twelve from my want list & three that I wasn't even familiar with.

I reciprocated by sennding him a few things he was wishing for & I forsee a bright future in our tune trading. Swapping music through the cloud is fantastic. But full circle, here are the Frank Tovey items I promised, for D & everyone else here. Brumalia is fast upon us. 


Frank Tovey - Civilian, Mute CD STUMM 56, 1988.
all decryption codes in comments

New Jerusalem    
From the City to the Isle of Dogs    
Limelight / Curtains    
Bridge St. Shuffle    
The Brotherhood    
Unknown Civilian    
Desperate Dan 




'31 Depression Blues
Hard Times in the Cotton Mill
John Henry / Let Your Hammer Ring
The Blantyre Explosion
Money Cravin' Folks
All I Got's Gone
Midwife Song
Sam Hall
Dark as a Dungeon
Men of Good Fortune
Sixteen Tons
North Country Blues
Buffalo Skinners
Black Lung Song
Pastures of Plenty
Joe Hill

Bad Day In Bow Creek
When the Victim Takes the Tyrants Place    
Passing Through
Bethnal Green Tube Disaster    
Cities of the Plains    
Fallen Angel    
The Liberty Tree    
One November Morning    
The Great Attractor

Chasing the Blues Away
All That is Mine    
Just like Other Men
Only Doing Your Job    
Hey Bailiff
Crow's Nest Blues
Opportunity's Knocking
The Hermit of Hermes Point
You Won't Get That from Me
Doing Time    
Worried Man



  1. Civilian
    Grand Union
    Worried Men

  2. What can I say. I'm honored. Check your email.
    Big thanks.
    - D

  3. Awesome!! had just forced my 14 yr old to listen to Fireside Favorites recently, deaf ears I'm afraid

    1. Too bad about deaf ears. Fireside Favorites in my opinion is an easier listen than these. Quite different.

  4. Gonna keep working on those ears!!
