31 January 2023

Parts of the Process...Quantum Entanglement


I don't know if anyone has a real idea what goes on in my twisted mind as I dole out tuneage here. I don't know if anyone really gives a care. But following rule #1: "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law", I'ma tell ya anyhew.

I've been at this blog thing for way too long now. Over that time I've followed many a strange path. I've gradually laid myself bare through the words I've spewed & the music I've shared. Some time back I realised that the best plan was "NO PLAN".

Afterall, I'se Nothin', afterall.

No plan works wonders for me. Things just happen, songs get heard, I get busy, hopefully we get jiggy.

The problems arise when I decide I have "a plan". Tomorrow is February 1. Several years ago I "decided" to dedicate February, our shortest month, to a particular theme. It began with the apparent irony of February being Black History Month, as if Black History & History are seperate things. Last year was the Fems of Feb.

As February approached, I was stressing out. I had several vague ideas for themes, but nothing had really jelled. So began the Parts that led to this rambling.

I had a folder labeled "Glasgow noise" that I thought might yield up at least 14 bands that I could post up every other day throughout February,  bands like Stretchhead, Dog Faced Hermans, Dawson, Josef K, or Scars.

Also I had seen a list of National Holidays for February. I though maybe I could feature something each day that tied in to the Holiday.

I decided that the variety of bands in the Glasgow folder deserved a more in-depth working, so I moved it to "Ideas on Hold / failed Feb" & tackled the National Holidays idea. It started off really well & then hit a wall.

February 1st is National Dark Chocolate Day. I started off with Hot Chocolate - More Greatest Hits

Musical note: Hot Chocolate released their first record, Love is Life in 1970. It reached number 6 in the UK charts. This was the start of a fifteen year career for the group. They amassed a total of over 30 hits. They are the only group in the UK to have a hit for fifteen consecutive years. Great first day.

February 2nd is of course Groundhog Day. That was another no-brainer. "Ground Hog" is one of my top Spirit songs. I have it on the 2xCD Time Circle (1968-1972), so another good step.

Day 3 - National Bubblegum Day - The Archies self-titled first from 1968                                                  & - National Missing Persons Day - Missing Persons - self-titled first 7" 1980

Day 4 - National Hemp Day - 10 Ft. Ganja Plant - Hillside Airstrip 2001

Day 5 - National Weatherperson Day - The Weather Prophets - Mayflower 1987

Day 6 - National Chopsticks Day - Chopstick Killer - What R U Waiting For?! 2019

then Day 7 - either National Periodic Table Day or National Fettuccine Alfredo Day. No clue for Fettuccine but I figured there might be some elements I might feature: Qiucksilver, Andrew Gold, Freddy Mercury, Nickleback...but let's face it. I'm really reaching & this is only a quarter of the journey. Into the "Ideas on Hold / failed Feb" folder with idea #2.

I breifly tip-toed around the Glasgow noise idea in passing but resisted the futility.

I realized I could just dump the whole theme/February trip & proceed as usual, but my Taurus bull-headedness reigned & I stumbled through my feverish brain searching for a solution.

The ole quantum entanglement came through when I stopped searching for a moment. I saw a blurb about February 2023 being National Pop Music Month. I also saw another write-up that said "Take your animal to class" which I in haste mis-read as "turn your animal to glass".That crashed head-first into my evening's listening.

I'll finish this story tomorrow, when...

So starting tomorrow, be warned. February is National 21st Century Pop Month done the NØ-NSS way. Calling it Top of the Pops. This may be the most diabolical I have ever been

Natas Nothin'


  1. You lost me at multiple uses of "Glascow" Still TOTP should be fun (Tip of the Prick as I and doubtless many other Brits used to call the show).

    1. Sorry. Late night typing typo. Glasgow, not Glascow. Fixed now. Hope you find your way.

  2. As the calendar goes you may easily find stuff like Gay Furniture day, Scandinavian Pottery Day, Dictators in Spandex day, Malfunctioning Soda Machine day and so on.
    The world is not a safe place anymore with all this overwhwelming ephemerides.
    A Still Being Barely Alive day is good enough for me.
    And as a professional nihilist A Nothin' Day is perfect.

    Thanks for the thoughts and the music as always.

  3. Let me know what kind of day you may be needing at the end of February. Thanks as always for your thoughts.

  4. id love to hear anything you've got from the Stretchheads or Dog Faced Hermans. But as always, share as you like. And thank you.

  5. I'll put your request in the request pile. Only one other item there, so not too bad. I'm up to my neck in pop music this month so I'll have to get to it in March. thanks for the comment & stay tuned.
