08 March 2023

Prompted by Other Blogs, Part 9

I'm always cruising around the interweb, looking for interesting music. I'll see or hear something out there that sets me on a path.

Sometimes I search high & low for something new that grabs my ear. Then sometimes I get lucky. Here's another prompt, the first of its kind...a two-fer. 



First, friend jonder over at Jonderblog posted a Pere Ubu/David Thomas/Rocket from the Tombs sampler 2002 - 2020 & word of a new Pere Ubu release Trouble on Big Beat Street coming in May 2023.



Then over at The Good Old Major's Hole, SteveShark featured Gypsy Blood, the second Doll by Doll release from Jackie Leven & crew.

Here's something you might enjoy that hits both nails on the head... 


My Spanish Dad
Exit Wound
The Sexual Loneliness of Jesus Christ
Hidden World of She
Billy ate My Pocket
Rainy Day Bergen Woman
Friendship Between Men & Women
Stopped by Woods on a Snowy Evening
Washing ny Hand
Wrapped up in Blue



Then to make this more incestuous, jonder commented at The Good Old Major's Hole: "He (Jackie Leven) collaborated with David Thomas of Pere Ubu" as Ubudoll (live at L' Hotel du Nord, Paris May 17 & 18, 1999.

Leven & Thomas met on the south coast of England in 1996, recognizing a musical kinship. They are road-travellers, collectors of funny, tragic, dangerous, often true, always real, human tales. They are natural born storytellers, equally at ease with either song or spoken word. They recognized each other as soul mates, yet they are each loners, uncompromising, dedicated to unique vision. It is this magnetic tension of opposition & attraction that makes for such a compelling performance. 


Have a go at this... 


David Thomas & Jackie Leven - Ubudoll live, L’ Hotel du Nord, 1999.

Lost Nation Road
Cry Cry Cry
Morbid Sky
Working Alone / A Blessing
I am Working Now
Man in the Dark
What Happened to Me (French version)
Down by the River
Life of Riley
Bus Called Happiness
Brunswick Parking Lot



  1. Also very nice - many thanks! Looking forward to the new Pere Ubu album.

  2. A perfect pair! Jackie Leven was also one of the participants in David Thomas' "Mirror Man" stage production. The Kidney Brothers (Robert and Jack) also participated, as did Daved Hild, Peter Hammill, and Linda Thompson!


    David is also now doing a weekly radio show:

  3. Got so caught up in the DT details that I forgot to say THANK YOU for the very kind mention.

  4. Try this on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8lFiLEotMU

  5. Happy Saturday! Maybe some folks would enjoy tis? https://habibifunkrecords.bandcamp.com/album/habibi-funk-mix-1-7
