28 April 2023

Prompted by Other Blogs, Part 11

I'm always cruising around the interweb, looking for interesting music. I'll see or hear something out there that sets me on a path. 


This time the prompt was a two-fer, in a way. First, I was frequenting one of my regular haunts, Zero G Sounds. What prompted this was Zero's recent posting of the truly stellar debut This Heat by This Heat ...which leads to the second part of this prompt from blog friend Rev. B.

On the Mark Stewart tribute post A Rage of Angels from a few days back, Rev commented:
     "Thank you so much. This really was a punch in the gut. (The Pop Group's) For How Much Longer (Will We Tolerate Mass Murder)... along with This Heat's Deceit pretty much summed up my world view at the time. Honestly, much of what has happened in the world since has validated rather than diminished that outlook."


Founded in Camberwell, London, UK in 1975 by Dolphin Logic & the collision with a self confessed non- musician, then seething forth from Cold Storage (a disused meat pie factory in Brixton) with muscular rhythms, musique concrete, found sounds, & bizarre lyrics inhabiting a bizarre, post apocalyptic soundscape, This Heat (Charles Hayward - keyboards, drums, vocals; Charles Bullen - guitar, viola, clarinet, vocals; & Gareth Williams  organ, bass, vocals) only recorded until 1982, with only two albums & a 12" single, yet their legacy looms large in my world.

To paraphrase what Rev. sez: "Honestly, much of what has happened in the world since 1980 has validated rather than diminished the outlook of This Heat." I couldn't agree more deeply. So the two combined through the quantum entanglement that unites our destinies to prompt this post. Zero & Rev.B, thank you both so very much. 


This Heat - Deceit, Rough Trade ROUGH 26, 1981.
decryption code in comments

Side A -
Paper Hats    

Side B -        
Radio Prague    
Makeshift Swahili    
A New Kind Of Water    
Hi Baku Shyo (Suffer Bomb Disease)



  1. J4byBbED-mOINbI3hM0FdLopDwfDbMxyePo7h4vil0Q

  2. You guys are all awesome. I had a few of their songs from long ago but never complete vinyl releases. A big THANKS To Nathin', Zero and Rev.B!!!
