24 July 2023

Off the Wall


Here's an early release from Rough Trade (#6) issued in 1979 from Eric Debris of Metal Urbain that features low-tech synth/noise covers of punk classics. The methodology seems to be recording covers of late 60s/ early 70s rock 'n' roll & avant-garage classics to which Debris added guitar overdriven to ridiculously trebly lengths, then singing a bit like Ian Curtis in a clunky French accent through a pitifully cheap reverb unit while letting a rudimentary drum machine handle the beats. 

How can you go wrong with that combination? 


Doctor Mix & the Remix - Wall of Noise, Rough Trade ROUGH 6, 1979.
decryption code in comments

A Side -
Out of the Question (The Seeds cover)
Grey Lagoons (Roxy Music cover)
No Fun (Stooges cover)
Six Dreams (The Seeds cover)
I Can't Control Myself (The Troggs cover)

B Side -
Supermen (David Bowie cover)
Sister Ray (Velvet Underground cover)



  1. QkXAsCLmdAXmQ4Jr5qC_96QE6HWnpJ5tyTjlukALrIU

  2. this is awesome! long shot, but is there any chance you have 'bring back the love' by lorna asher?

    1. Long shot but a miss here. My well of reggae is shallow, more a puddle. Sorry.

  3. What The Actual F#ck??!! This is actually really good, in a bad sorta way

    1. I seem to have a weird tendency for stuff so bad its good. Thanks for the WTAF. Blog on!

    2. with those kinda tendencies you're probably not the right person to ask...The Lucy Show?? Especially their second album Mania? So good it's actually Good.

    3. Not the right person, indeed. The Lucy Show are right up there with Sad Lover & Giants for me. Both superior bands misunderstood mainly because of pigeonholing. Their music somehow is categorized as new wave. As I sez on my last SL&G post: "White Soul or Prog Pop".

      Song like "View from the Outside" or "A Million Things" from Mania are on many of my playlists for friends. One of my favorite songs of all time is "Wipe Out" from ...Undone.
