15 August 2023

Intro Dub

Here's the Intro from Bukowski in Dub that I've leaked a few tracks of before... 
Charles Bukowski - Introduction, Bukowski in Dub, EP Records EP909.

Hank sez: "Dub Onward",


  1. Jewels Berne8/15/23, 8:57 PM

    I posted a comment the first time you shared a track from Bukowski in Dub. I'm reiterating here. Where can I get the entire release or will you share it?

  2. Sorry, Jewels. I've sworn the owner of this gem that I won't post the whole enchilada. I've been slipping out a few tastes. The entire thing is nearly 90 minutes of greatness. I'll try to share individual tracks as I can.

  3. Konrad Yarbrough8/16/23, 6:03 PM

    Hunh? What is BiD and what is its history?

  4. In the tradition of Dub Spencer's William Burroughs in Dub, Dub Kerouac, or "A Supermarket in Dub" by Allen Ginsberg, Bukowski in Dub is Bukowski reading his own works set to Dub. I have shared two previous tracks:
    Born into This
    The Most

    A dear long-time friend & music associate of mine sent me a copy of this about a year ago, with the promise that I would not post it in its entirety. All I know for sure about it is that is on CD, that it came out in the early 2010s, it is about 90 minutes of incredible Dub poetry, released on EP Records (#EP909). I have slipped out these three tracks so far. I will keep my word to my friend, but will share a few more of my favorite tracks over time.

    1. Where can I purchase Bukowski in dub?

    2. As I replied to Jewels in the first comment, a friend shared the digital files with me with the promise I would not post the entirety. I do not own a physical copy nor do I know where to get one. It is a closely guarded secret because of the rarity & value of the release. You could try contacting EP Records or try tracking it down on the interweb. I have leaked five tracks as of date. I will share more as I think wise. All I sez is: save the files & compile your own. Perhaps my friend may some day grant me the privilege of sharing the whole enchilada which I will instantly do.
