29 August 2023

Trying to Be More Lucid - Getting Lost in the Music

Knowing that I'm a sucker for unique sexy female vocalists, my friend Matt turned me on to Ambar Lucid's Garden of Lucid when it came out in 2020. I was instantly hooked on her folk-tinged, trippy psych-rock, bilingual indie pop R&B style. I started collecting all the disparate tracks she released. I realized a while back that I had quite a few. Decided I needed to share them but never got around to it until now. 


Ambar is the daughter of a Dominican mother & Mexican father. She grew up in the quiet suburbia of Little Ferry, NJ, day-dreaming of the bright future as children of a happy family are wont to do..

That all changed after watching her dad get deported to Mexico when she was just a young girl. The traumatic experience cast a shadow over her childhood. That led to her discovery & escape into the world of music. She realized even at that young age that she wanted to make music professionally someday.

& so she did...

Before Garden of Lucid, Ambar released a soft-psych R&B offering for her debut, Dreaming Lucid, which skewed more toward singer-songwriter introspection than pop. 


Ambar Lucid - Dreaming Lucid, Ambar Lucid self-released, 2019.
all decryption codes in comments

Dreaming Lucid
Pineapple Death
Somewhere in Between
A Letter to My Younger Self
LeTTiNg Go
I Hope You
Painted Red

Here's something inspired by Ambar's transformative trip to the desert...the arc of her artistic ascent has been rapid & stellar.
Ambar Lucid - Get Lost in the Music EP, Ambar Lucid self-released, 2021.

Space Cowgirl
Get Lost in the Music
Un Animal (Divina Existencia)
The Door

(& remember...only 1 days 'til Dubtember),

1 comment:

  1. Dreaming Lucid
    Get Lost in the Music
