03 August 2023

What the Bloody ‘L?...part 2

I see that this idea took off quite well. 
15 of the top 20 posts visited are direct links from What the Bloody 'L. 
( the Sinéad O'Connor Collaborations post is by far & away the most visited...Thank you all)


Here's the next set of Music that Needs Work - L


La Luz is a band from Seattle, WA, started in the summer of 2012 by Shana Cleveland - guitar, Alice Sandahl - keyboard, Lena Simon - bass, & Marian Li Pino - drums. Everyone sings. All songs by Shana & La Luz.


La Luz - It's Alive, Hardly Art HAR-076, 2013.
all decryption codes in comments

Sure as Spring
All the Time
Morning High
What Good am I?
It's Alive
Big Big Blood
Call Me in the Day
Pink Slime
Phantom Feelings
You can Never Know

Let's Bomb the Hell are from Prague. 
LBTH features Tomáš Hricišák - guitar & vocals, Jan Faix (Unifiction) - keyboards,. Josef Zelo Zeleňák - bass, Bob Saint-Claire - various intruments, & Matěj - drums. Their music is loaded with lush layers of disturbing dark atmospherics.
Let's Bomb the Hell - Chapter 1 EP, Soundevice Studio, 2014.

Glooming Star
I, the Murder if All
Loose My Head

1996s Volume 3 of Loop Guru's Catalogue of Desires is the first of the Catalogue seies available commercially. Volume 1 (1993) & Volume 2 (1994) were described in a Loop Guru newsletter discography from 1995 as "official bootleg, mail order & gig sales only, tape cassette only". 
Loop Guru here are Ja Muud Guru, Salamander 'Salman Gita' Gheetar, & Speechless with various freinds or guest musicians.
North South GURU 300 CD, 1996.

Ritual Cluster   
The Garden of Unearthly Delight   
Can of Ghosts   
Stone River Reckoning   
Deep Crescent   
After Dark with the Reel Tones   
Mountain of Waterglass   
Chukachuka Geledag-Geledug   
Rite Number Three   
Buruk Burang   
Nature of the Whole   
Enlightened Jewels, Mourned Opportunity   
Red Crown   
The Pear-tree Illusion
Out of the Dark Room   
The Dream-Vendor's Sunday

Lust for Life,


  1. La Luz - It’s Alive
    Let’s Bomb the Hell
    Loop Guru - Catalogue of Desires Vol. 3 (The Clear White Variation)

  2. You seem to have linked La Luz to Let's Bomb the Hell. Thanks for the post & the fix.

  3. Thanks for the heads up on my SNAFU. Fixed & ready to go.
