18 September 2023

Dubtember 18

Newcomer to NSS today is Version Big-Fi. 

From their bandcamp page:
     "Version Big-Fi bring wired-up punk energy, super heavy reggae grooves and booming dub echoes to the forefront, as well as taking in influences as diverse and eclectic as King Tubby, The Clash, Massive Attack, Dreadzone, Joe Gibbs, Suicide, Scientist, Death In Vegas, The Specials, John Barry & Pop Will Eat Itself they have a foot firmly implanted in the 21st Century taking Dub forwards and upwards."

Here's a compilation of tracks I've accumulated over time. Its for Nothin' (Dub)... 


Version Big-Fi - Latest, NØ Comp., 2023.
decryption codes in comments

Nothing Dub
Probably a Robbery Dub
Mash-up Me Sensi
Maxi Tempo
Up Town Top Boxing
Feel Like Jumping
No Salvation Until
Mashed Up Nation
Walk & Skank
I Know
Guns of Kingston
Boom Boom
Blue Monday
Nuff Buggeration

Dubly Beloved Dub dentist Keith Hudson originally recorded this one in 1984 (shortly before his death) with some gateway Dub mixed by Jammy. 
 UPDATE: Frenz of NSS Groovenor left a comment letting me know that the last track on the Keith Hudson Jammys Dub Encounter "Rites of Version" was foreshortened. He was kind enogh to share a link to a complete version that also contained Tuff Gong Encounter. I have swapped out my damaged version for his new share. Thanks from all, Groovenor.
Keith Hudson - Tuff Gong Encounter, VP Records VPCD2527, 2015.

Tuff Gong Encounter -   
I Know My Rights
White Africa
Run, Run, Run
Rebel Rasta
I Know My Rights (Version 2)
Jammys Dub Encounter -   
Rites of Dub
Dub Africa
Run the Version
Rasta Dub
Star Dub
Rites of Version

Dub Onward,


  1. Version Big- Fi. Very interesting and and uplifting.Never heard of them. Thanks NØ.

    1. Don't really know much about them. Just really liked their sound. Had gradually gathered tracks of theirs as I heard them & then put this together. Thanks, k.p.

  2. Hey NØ, lovin' the dubtember posts. Keith Hudson was short on the last track but when lookin' for it on the interwebs, I realized I had an expanded version which also included Tuff Gong Encounter. https://workupload.com/file/mGvjXZw9KuP to get the whole enchilada, shebang, etc. Keep up the good work!

    1. Groovenor, thanks so much for the heads-up & the link. See the UPDATE notice & changes above.

  3. Latest
    Tuff Gong Encounter
