22 November 2023

It was 30 Years Ago Today that I Coughed my Soul Away

See, M. Doughty ain't the only one who can write stream-of-consciousness stuff. 

Been relistening to all my Soul Coughing material lately & decided to share this one today.
If you're not familiar with this crazee band, you're in for a treat, This is one of my top releases, right up there with Beefheart & Magic.

Soul Coughing was an American alternative rock band composed of vocalist/guitarist Mike Doughty, keyboardist/sampler Mark Degli Antoni, bassist Sebastian Steinberg, & drummer Yuval Gabay. Their sound is a idiosyncratic mix of improvisational jazz grooves, oddball samples, hip hop, electronics, & noisy experimentalism". 

Doughty himself sez: "This is deep slacker jazz". 


The group appropriately broke up in 2000. They could only have existed in the 90s (or the near future???). 


Soul Coughing - Ruby Vroom, Slash, 1994.
decryption code in comments

Is Chicago, Is not Chicago   
Sugar Free Jazz   
Casiotone Nation
Blue-eyed Devil
Bus to Beelzebub
True Dreams of Wichita   
Screenwriter's Blues
Moon Sammy   
Supra Genius
City of Motors   
Uh, Zoom Zip
Down to This
Mr. Bitterness   
Janine (answering machine vocal – Rachel Benbow Murdy)

Happy Turkey day...Free the Turkeys,


  1. Ruby Vroom

  2. It really is a shame that they ended so acrimoniously. Saw them once live, which was a gas. I went to a yardsale last weekend and picked up El Oso (the only one I didn't have on CD). You get the ankles, and I'll get the wrists!

    1. I'll grab the ankles, all right. Was going to post more of these crazees later, getting to El Oso after Irresistible. Do you have Lust, Live Rarities, or Studio B-sides? I could skip to those & share the reg ones later. So kool that you got to see them live. Saw M.D. when he did a 25th anni. tour for Ruby & played the whole tracklist. Was great but not the same especially without Steinberg, what a bass player.

      Happy Thanks to you & the family.

    2. Holiday Greetings from the Five Percent Nation of lumps in my cornbread! Soul Coughing had an amazing rhythm section, and it's sad to see Doughty shit on them in interviews.

      IDK if I have all the rarities, and would love to peep your collection. Two of my faves are "The Bug" and the Propellerheads' remix of "Super Bon Bon"

    3. Soul Coughing's rhythm section (Steinberg & Gabay) were aces. Doughty is full of acrimony to the whole project. In one interview he sez the only way he would get back together was if they poked out one of his eyes & then were threatening to jab out the other.

      The Bug is on Studio B-sides & Propellerheads' Super Bon Bon is on Lust in Phaze (Best of). I'll slap those up some time this weekend. Thanks brother.

  3. Great to see this guys featured in the blog really.
    Had them somehow kept in a box since the 90's and is a great chance to go back to their sound.
    Some shoegaze great band to thank tou for the reminder-
