03 December 2023

Hindi Dub

Jungle Weed is the nom de Dub of Jules Deville from Toulouse, France. He has traveled extensively throught India, seeking enlightenment & inspiration for his Dub crafting, merging Electro-Dub seamlessly with Indian music.


"On the west bank of the Ganges, in the ancient city of Varanasi, a fire has been burning for thousands of years. The most sacred place in the world for Hindus, the city of Shiva. It is believed that if a person's ashes are scattered here, then his soul will eventually reach Moksha (the definitive release from the perpetual cycle of rebirth).

Harishchandra Ghat (named for a legendary king) is one of the two ghats burning at Varanasi. The site of Varanasi is a hive of activity, a city that has never slept for more than 5000 years. The energy that reigns on this shore carries a deep serenity, devoid of any sorrow, because the mourners laugh as the bodies are wrapped in a shrouds & carried on bamboo stretchers in the narrow alleyways to be cremated there.

The Hindu attitude towards death is not an attitude of loss, but rather the idea of leaving behind the worn-out body, as one would throw away clothes hopelessly worn. The body is merely the vehicle of the soul.

Some are here to watch while drinking tea, others are here to meditate in front of the flames, to smoke on a chilom, to talk to some babas, old sadhous aghoris, hermits, or itinerants about life & death. These elders have renounced the material world to attain spiritual liberation, living both outside as well as still among society."

                                                      from Chaudry diary - J. Deville 


Jungle Weed - Chaudhry Diary, Original Dub Gathering ODGP199, 2018.
decryption code in comments

Pristine featuring Craig R Ninjah
Walking on the Ghats
Moksha featuring Bawari Basabti
Hari Om
Aghori Melody
Pluie de Cendre
Sadhana featuring Rokka Music



  1. Chaudry Diary

  2. looks very interesting thanks Reb

  3. Thanks my Rebel Roots Brethren. Some fine International Dub.

  4. Really interesting - I am v. much an old school Trojan dub guy, so am always interested in your contemporary findings. Truly exceptional! As always, much gratitude for the listening (and reading)!

  5. Thanks for the comment. I too like the old skool Dub (King Tubby will always be King of Dub to me. I just love finding new musicians or older artists still Dubbing today. Always have an ear tuned for some sweet Dub stylings.

    1. This is really nice NØ. Thanks!!

    2. Glad you're enjoying this. Best wishes for the holi-daze & Peace to you & yours.
