21 January 2024

Munchin' in München

Was listening to this first one last night & once more thought of FRENZ Sven in München. Thought he'd really eat this up, so I made it a two-fer just for him (oh, yeah...& all the rest of you reading this, too, of course). 


Ed Yazijian is known globally for his solo LP & CD releases. He is also known for his long running but sparsely documented collaborations with Dredd Foole. He has also been a collaborator/guest performer with groups such as Sun City Girls & Cul De Sac both that I've shared here in the past. In the mid-90s he was in the highly regarded rock band Kustomized along with Pete Prescott(Mission of Burma) & Yucki Gipe(Bullet Lavolta).

His solo recordings weave through personalized spaces using guitar, Eastern percussion, & Ed's trademark  mainlined/cosmic/drone violin.
      "For anyone expecting 'simply' a series of solo violin and guitar readings, Six Ways To Avoid The Evil Eye (Ed's first solo LP) will come as a real curveball, as the central orbit around which most of these tracks swing is mostly based in rhythmic/percussive ritual in a way that more immediately brings to mind the rain of stones that defines much of the Angus MacLise back catalog. There's a heavy, devotional air to much of the activity that speaks of personal trance as eloquently as the works of Alice Coltrane, albeit transposed to a much more punk primitive palette of hand-drums, bows and traditional acoustic drones". – David Keenan, The Wire 


Ed Yazijian - Six Ways to Avoid the Evil Eye, Onetree 6WTATEE, 2007.
decryption codes in comments

Circuit House Fever    
Kamroop (Day Nine)    
Orange Sky, Black Clouds    
Gaya Local
Orange Sky (slight return)

& a pairing with another musick maverick, Sun City Bishop. This one finds Ed at his Cosmik violin finest.

Side A -

Side B -



  1. Six Ways to Avoid the Evil Eye
    Sir Richard Bishop & Ed Yazijian

  2. Not familiar with Ed, but he shared a release w/ SRB?!? Hey, I'm in with both feet, no hesitation. Thanks for the introduction!

    1. Hope you find it to your liking. Ed's one kool kat.

  3. Never heard of him, but this is excellent. What a wonderful way to start the week! Many thanks and best wishes from Munich!

    1. Glad I could start off your week on a nice note. Thanks.

  4. Really nice !!Thanks NØ!!

  5. Thanks N0 -- that's some prestigious company so I'm sure this is great.

    1. Yeah, Ed's fiddled around with some good ones. thanks, MrDave.
