21 February 2024

Fab, Trip 21

I am so glad to welcome back this band. It's been nearly twenty years since their last release. Back in August 2018 I shared an in-depth post of the Sneaker Pimps


Their SP4 demos from 2004 was originally given to a record label, only to be refused, thus making it unreleased. It's initial name was Recall, but was later retitled simply SP(Sneaker Pimps)4. This rejected fourth album was released on the Sneaker Pimps website, back when it was functioning. There was a surreptitiously leaked seven track that popped up on a music player in a bar in Russia sometime around 2005-2006 that was after years verified as a legit Sneaker Pimps recording, which keyboardist Liam Howe confirmed as The Magnificent Seven.

Then low & behold, in 2021 an all new Sneaker Pimps - Squaring the Circle was released. Here it is in all its glory, confirming once more that the great Trip-hop acts can still get it done the right way.

I can't really say enough about this fantastic disc. With incredibly precise instrumentation & inspired lyrics from Liam Howe & Chris Corner, this release is on par with Becoming X, Splinter, or Bloodsport. The Pimps have not missed a beat. Corner's vocals are sounding stronger than even "Loretta Young Silks" & teamed with new vocalist Simonne Jones, they are nothing less than perfection. I feel that "Stripes" may be the best song the band has ever done, but listen for yourself & decide. I'll stop blathering now. 


Sneaker Pimps - Squaring the Circle, Unfail Productions, 2021.
decryption code in comments

Child in the Dark    
So Far Gone    
Immaculate Hearts    
No Show    
The Tranquillity Trap    
The Paper Room    
Black Rain    
Love Me Stupid
Pink Noise    
Come Like the Cure    
Squaring the Circle

Enjoy the Trip,


  1. Squaring the Circle

  2. I thought I had all their albums, and then you come along and hit me with this!!!! Damn and thanks!


  3. Big thanks Nathan! On the lighter side check out these sneakers (I know you don't liike him) https://www.aol.com/finance/sneakerheads-trump-never-surrender-gold-211134232.html

    1. He's a pimp all right. He'll pimp anything, even his only family if anyone would but them. The only thing he's never tried to sell is the truth. He doesn't know the truth.
