24 February 2024

Fab, Trip 24

Apologies to all. Purple Penguin - De-Tuned has been re-uploaded because of duplicate track 9 & 10. For those who don't want to download the entire album, the track 10 "So High" can be downloaded from link in comments. 


Just another Cup of Tea...Cup of Tea Records release, that is. 

Just a couple of Bristol boys, hip-hop/breaks producers get together & make a Purple Penguin. Scott Hendy & Ben Dubuisson produced some of the finest Cup of Tea sounds out there.

This is a smooth combination of Dub & Trip-hop with some sharp musical & rhythmic production: lots of slowed jazz riffs; well chosen B-movie samples; ethnic chants; & crisp beats. 


Purple Penguin - De-Tuned, Cup of Tea Records COTCD 004, 1996.
decryption codes in comments

No Action
New Harlem   
Mute Noise
Passion (Dadomo remix)
So High
Pressue (remix)
End Theme





Purple Penguin - Question, Cup of Tea Records COTCD019, 1998.

Intro, Opening Question
Non Deadly
Raw Deal
Western Interlude   
Closing Question

Enjoy the Trip,


  1. Thanks NØ. Also Baby Fox and Sissy (who was completely unknown to me). Haven't been back to Bristle for some time but you're sending me on a trip down memory lane to Cup of Tea days! Completely cracking!! Speaking of which, as it's coming up to Easter I wondered if you have anything by The Egg?!
    Kind regards

  2. aboynamedstew2/24/24, 9:35 AM

    I have to say I'm really impressed that this whole month you've been pulling names from yr (internet) hat that i've never heard of. A couple months ago, i was scanning some old article about the Top 50 trip-hop albums or something (from Fader or Fact or somewhere), and i think the only artist you've posted that was on that list was DJ Shadow. Kudos and thanks and bravo and all that. I've especially dug Perfume Tree and Solid Doctor, and the Shadow stuff. I was gonna recommend Sevdaliza as a modern artist who is clearly influenced by trip hop, but a little tickle at the back of my skull made me search yr back pages and of course you'd already posted some (might've even been where I found her originally). All of this is to say thanks for all of it, NØ! Blessings upon thee!

    1. I have shared a fair amount of Trip-hop here before & hit on many of the "Top 50" (Massive, Portishead, Morcheeba, Tricky, Hooverphonic, Zero 7 & more) but was trying for a broader overview of the genre. My Trip-hop collection is bulging at the seams & many of the artists are not that well known. Trying to do my part to spread the disease. Thanks, friend.

      I couldn't help including the latest Sneaker Pimps here & I'm sure Tricky will rear his head before I'm done, but other than that I've been trying for the more obscure.

  3. Sorry for being a pedant NØ. No need to publish this!
    On De-Tuned: Track 9 ("Passion") is duplicated. Track 10 ("So High") is missing.
    Kind regards

    1. As I've said before, I really appreciate it when folks such as yourself point out things like this. I put a lot of work into getting the music to as good a quality as I can. When I mess up something like doubling up on a track & missing the right one, I am ever grateful when someone lets me know. I have re-inserted "So High", re-uploaded the repaired file, & posted the new decryption code. Thank you & nothing pendantic about pointing out a major SNAFU.

  4. De-Tuned

  5. So High single track to replace the incorrect track 10 in original download.

    So High

  6. Your generosity, Sir, is only exceeded by your good looks. Thx for the mend - your attention to detail matches my own musical OCD.
    I had forgotten just how good this album was. IMHO "No Action" is magnificent.

    1. Now you've gone & made me blush. Aw, shucks.

  7. sooooo...day 25 of triphopuary and i'm still hoping for a monk & canatella post...just turned 53 and i tell anyone who gives a shit that i spent the 90s listening to hardcore punk but in all actuality i listened to mostly trip hop (with a side salad of born against) ...m&c's cup of tea and biscuits were a sweet treat so here's a slightly fattened version of 'care in the community'...call it an 'addendum' to make up for a flawed recent offering...feel free not to publish if i'm stepping on your trip-hop toes; https://we.tl/t-vBqrW3hnro

    1. By the 'addendum' hint, I'm guessing you're the kind soul who provided the Haunted Dancehall Addendum. I still listen to it at least weekly. I think the fact that I fixed one track upset you & I'm sorry. There was never any need "to make up for a flawed recent offering". I guess I didn't express my appreciation well enough. I thought reposting it as a special gift on the Tenth Day of Crazemas spoke for itself. But enough of that.

      I have downloaded your Care in the Community version & if it is all right with you, I will repost it, as the link you gave is We Transfer & will only be active for one week. If you don't want me to, then please let me know. All I can do for now is to urge everyone who reads this to grab it while you can.

      Thank you again, sincerely.

    2. All good my friend, i lnow m&c sre niche but i i love them and want others to hear them, feel free to spread the word!

    3. Thanks. Will post up Care in the Community you shared ASAP.

  8. Thank you Anon. I love Monk & Cana. Another piece fitted in the jigsaw and a nice endorphin hit from deconstructing your addendum into it's constituent parts 3 EPs to one part album! Cheers M'dear!
