26 February 2024

Fab, Trip 26

For those who have stayed the course this month, thanks for bearing with another of my obsessions. Trying to ramp things up to a big climax. Heading forward in time to the newest era of Trip-hop...today's Trip-hop. Give this Belle a wring. 


Anomie Belle is the performing name of Toby Campbell of Seattle, Washington, a multi-instrumentalist, vocalist, songwriter, producer, & political artivist who uses her artistic talents to fight against injustice & oppression by any medium necessary. She began writing & recording her own music as a child, developing a uniquely personal eclectic avant-garde musical style.

She has collaborated with many noted musicians, both Bonobo & Tricky in the Trip-hop vein. Her music is a mix of electronic & organic instrumentation, fiercely sensual vocals with thickly layered, ethereal soundscapes.

Her artivism has been described as "beautiful desocialization". Her songs are critical of blind adherence to consumerism. They're smoky & sultry yet champion individuality & critical thinking.

Toby sez:
     "I grew up in your prototypical American suburb. The manicured lawns, strip mall parking lots, chain stores, and massive expanses of cement and housing developments depressed me. I chose the moniker Anomie Belle to speak to the decadent alienation of the American dream. Growing up, music became my outlet. Bored by video games and dollhouses, I plunked away on my parent's piano for hours at a time, teaching myself to play blues riffs and writing little pop songs."  


Anomie Belle - The Crush, Anomie Belle self-released, 2011.
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Electric Lullaby   
Inky Drips
It's a Crush   
Mosquito in the Closet   
Bodies Offering   
Picture Perfect
Lost Horizon
On TV   
Lavender Days   

Enjoy the Trip,

1 comment:

  1. The Crush
