08 February 2024

Fab, Trip 8


Here's a duo whose overall skill-set is nipping at the heels of the great Bristol bands like Portishead or Massive Attack. They have a near perfect Trip-hop sound augmented by the inclusion of various other styles that they have melded into an amalgam of authenticity. To my ears, much of that credit goes to Marilyn Carino's top-shelf vocal skills. She is up in the higher echelon with the likes of Beth Gibbons or Skye Edwards. 


Mudville is a Brooklyn, NY based band & artist collective whose sound, a hybrid of downtempo, electronica, Memphis-style soul/jazz has been dubbed "post-Trip hop". Core members Marilyn Carino & Ben (Benny Cha Cha) Rubin have added to the sound by incorporating classic Hip-hop stylings & elements of improvisational free jazz. They have also tightened up the songcraft by adding influences of Marvin Gaye & Duke Ellington to the minimalist, pop-based structures & lyrics, creating a potent fusion of jazz & space-rock

Mudville is the vision of bassist/producer Rubin & vocalist/songwriter Carino. They started out in San Francisco as a more straightforward rock band that prominently featured Hammond B3 organ.

Upon relocating to New York in 2000, Carino & Rubin began collaborating on songs with Carino writing lyrics/melodies & Rubin producing tracks using a combination of painstakingly arranged live instruments alongside digital sampling. Carino is known for her sultry contralto voice, expressive phrasing, & poetic, progressive-minded prose.

Benny Cha Cha has been a bassist for numerous jazz or rock greats, including Ronnie Cuber, Bill Frisell, Jim Campilongo, Moby, & Marshall Crenshaw. He has also worked as a remix artist working with the Wu-Tang Clan's Killah Priest, Karsh Kale, & Brazilian Girls.

To paraphrase the last stanza of Casey at the Bat by Ernest Thayer...
     "Oh, somewhere in this favoured land the sun is shining bright,
      The band is playing somewhere, & somewhere hearts are light;
      & somewhere men are laughing, & somewhere children shout,
      Here're two releases from Mudvile---you oughta check'em out."


Mudville - The Glory of Man is Not in Vogue, Slurry Records SLURRY1003, 2003.
decryption codes in comments

The Hero of the World
Poets on Parade
In Orbit
Surfer Girls
Sunshine is on Me

This next one is a limited edition of 500 handwriiten numbered copies signed by Marilyn Carino &  Benny Cha Cha.
Mudville - Iris Nova, Mudvillemusic.com, 2007.

Wonder Boy   
Spirits in the Material World (Police cover)
The Spanish Gypsy   
This Hollywood Life   

Enjoy the Trip,


  1. The Glory of Man
    Iris Nova

  2. Sounds like a winner -- thx N0!

    1. Another good choice. I'm sharing a couple more releases from Marilyn Carino Wednesday.
