05 February 2024

Sharus Interruptus - Here We Go Again


Sorry to interrupt the Trip-hop flow once more. I don't want to harsh anyones trip but I need to bring up some frightening-to-me news. For the second time in two days I have received comments from visitors to this dump letting me know that the decryption codes for two separate shares were missing from the comments. 

One was the recent Lead with the Bass & the other was Dubtember 30 singles. Both of these shares have had regular visitation & I know that until now the codes were there. I don't know if their disappearance is simply the result of interweb gremlins or whether it is a more insidious move on the part of Blogger.

If anyone comes across similar instances, please let me know A.S.A.P. Since over the 15+ years I have been doing this I have files scattered all around the cloud & it would be a fiasco of gargantuan proportions for me to try & recover & replace those codes, even if I somehow hoped they would stay re-installed.

Starting with the next share, the link will be to a text file with instructions for retrieving the download. Sorry about this. If the problem does not persist & proves to be random, I will go back to how things were.

Just wanting to let my Frenz & other visitors whassup!


  1. Don't know if I should feel good or bad about starting this whole Missing Decryptors issue, but I was the one that sent those messages since I couldn't find the Decryptors anywhere. Today I haven't found any missing ones (I'm on August 2023 as of today). I also posted a where to buy the Charles Bukowski message today btw. Sorry if this has caused an inconvenience to anyone. And thanks for the all the fantastic music posted over 15 years! As other blogsites have tons of dead links (Zippyshare, Rapidshare, Mega.nz, among others), I'm very glad that I have yet to encounter a dead link on this one. You're doing a great service to the music community at large since a lot of this music would not be known otherwise.


    1. I am truly in your debt, even if the missing codes are simply snafus.

      I check my posts to see that all goes well. If I get positive feedback that also assures me things are in proper working order. But I simply haven't the time to continually go back & check old shares. I rely on folks like yourself to let me know when they encounter problems.

      The fact that you have found two recent/semi-recent posts where the codes have simply vanished is puzzling. I have been using MEGA since its inception & rely quite heavily on it. I have been burying the decryption codes in the comments & that has proven successful as well, up until now. So I have no idea exactly where the problem is coming from.

      But I put too much time & effort in this to simply rely on chance, so I am overly cautious & vigilante. I am trying a workaround that is bootstrapped together on the fly until I see how things shake out. Folks probably won't be very happy with the extra effort that will be required on their part, but I'm trying to make these shares to last.

      It seems as though you were perusing the past of this backwater blog, so if you don't mind, please let me know if you come across more bad links or missing codes or anything that detracts from your ability to share the music that I so share out of love.

  2. Ya never know in this Google-owned world, I once had all my files with 'dark' in the title given takedown notices from blogger which I always do when they ask. I really think the only reason DU blog is still 'allowed' to exist is because the elites like the music. I get spam comments like recently giving me a pixeldrain link for a Petula Clark release I don't have then at the same time asking me for a batch of really huge file reposts which is somewhat normal but the comment showed up in the 'spam' folder and the pixeldrain link was bogus and that file hosting site has quick loading links and has never given me a problem...ever--and it loaded up too. And why did it show up in spam (I get maybe a handful a year put there so I check it)? It gives me the impression that some of these govt. 'employees' are trying to eff with me. I know they must employ thousands in anti-terror (I used to get stuff like that in phone and email) and other shady things just to give work to the eco-starved masses. So I keep multiple back ups and just consider the blog free file organizing for me that can pay off with money savings sometimes on things I want by people sharing. It's also a way to deal with not being in an active scene anymore and keep me happy on the weekends and during the week doing tasks while also keeping my 55 year old mind sharp even though I can barely see the pops that I cut out anymore...LOL. Keep the faith brother for us blogspots.

    1. I definitely never know. I was going to try to just link to a text file that had the real link, I've seen it sometimes on other blogs. I couldn't remember exactly how they did it but it was plenty simple. The way I tried, putting a link to my BOX account & putting the link in BOX was so cumbersome that I didn't even want to do it. I'm sure readers of NSS won't want to do all that "hard work" so for now I'll just trudge along.

      In the past five years or so I've backed things up & can probably fix anything that gets F'd wit, but prior to that I have stuff scattered all over the cloud & all over hard drives that I probably couldn't easily fix.

      Thanks for the thoughts & for now I'll just keep on keeping on.
