03 February 2024

We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Programming to Bring You This Breaking News

One of the blogs that I regularly visit is C90Lounge: Changing the World one mixtape at a time. Although I am more album oriented, anyone familiar with this dump knows that I make my fair share of compilations. Mid-October Mr. Sprayon Pants, the host of said blog, announced an End of the Year Mixtape Contest. I missed the announcement but was hipped to the event by Frenz of NSS & fellow blogger Jonder. 


Today Mr Sprayon announced the winners. Frenz Jonder was tied for runner-up. You can find his & his co-winner’s entries in links at End of Year Playlist Winners Are


The reason that I interrupted this Trip-hop program was to announced that I was declared winner, much to my astonishment. Regulars here know that I usually try to please my own musickal yearnings first & foremost, only hoping that a few others might catch my drift, as they say. That was the mind-set I had going in to the whole thing. I compiled a set of 2023 new music that I found appealing to my tastes & figured that would be as good as it got. I was personally happy with the results but was quite sceptical as to what anyone else would think. Well, the panel of judges got it. They even sez in their critique: "Fresh and for us, completely new songs that seem to be thinly inspired by the music of C90 but perhaps almost co-incidentally so." That was exactly what I intended & was hugely chuffed that the point came across.

If you want to check out some new music & listen to my mix, just follow the link above & give it a listen. Hope you enjoy.

Now back to our regularly scheduled program already in progress...


  1. Well done, my friend! I like how Mr. Sprayon Pants wrote that "the number of artists to follow down fresh rabbit holes is a great gift." In that sense, everybody wins. But you hit the grand slam!

  2. My heartfelt congratulations!

  3. Congrats!!! Downloading as I type.

  4. Great NØ!! Thank you for your effort taking us down to many rabbit holes!!
