30 March 2024

Easter Egg Hunt

Find the Stealth Links

In a comment on Fab Trip 23, MarkyD wanted to know if I could share The Egg, what with Easter coming & all.

Well, I was chewing over the idea with Al B, Umen drummer & long-time friend. First let me say that Al is a Holiday nerd. He starts in decorating his place weeks before Halloween or Xmas. He never thinks he's done enough until he does too much. He suggested since MarkyD wanted The Egg that I should have an Easter Egg Hunt.

I'm the polar opposite of Al. I'm a holiday minimalist if I even celebrate at all. I barely manage to get candy for Trick-or-Treaters or my costume ready by Halloween; barely get gifts wrapped by Xmas day. I feel like I'm moving forwards but I end up slipping backwards. For the holidays I enjoy going to other folks homes, visiting with them, & see what all they've done. But Al sez: "Holidays are about Home", that I should just travel lator.

Being an narco-anarchist Dub Buddhist, I don't even celebrate Easter, it being a Judeo-Christian holiday that used to be about Passover. Easter is really copped from the pagan goddess who was called Ēostre. But what about Easter eggs? It kinda ties in with Lenten fasting. Orthodox Christians in Mesopotamia had been dying eggs red as a symbol of Christ's death around Easter. The Catholic Church also began a practice of abstaining from eating eggs during Lent. At Easter, Christians were allowed to eat eggs again, so the practice of giving & hiding decorated eggs became a way of celebration.

I thought this Easter Egg Hunt idea would give me something to do. I decided to find whatever music I had by The Egg & get some mixes together, but I didn't have much luck, so you're stuck with this rambling tale (not really even an Easter bunny tail).

All I can say is that there are five Eggs hidden about. Good luck & have fun. Let me know how it goes.

If you find the hidden Eggs, please let me know what you found in a comment. I won't post the comment so that it doesn't ruin it for others still searching. So far I don't know if anyone found any of the super-duper Easter Egg treats.

For those of you who can't be bothered with fun or are just lazy leechers, here's one for you... 


Various - Cup of Tea Records:A Mix CD, Cup of Tea Records COT CD007, 1997.
decryption code in comments

Dr Wheeler - Statik Sound System   
The Way it Is - Dextrous   
Mrs Jones - Red   
Mountain (Ratman remix) - Purple Penguin
Raw Elementz - Lu Donovan   
Sole Sentiment - Ratman   
Timber     - Grantby
Big Duck (Maff with Decoder mix) - The Egg   
In Our Own Time - Statik Sound System   
Skafter     - Tundra
Street Reality - Southern Comfort
Double Culture - Henry & Louis   
Path - Ratman   
Instruments Like This    - Statik Sound System
Razor - Purple Penguin
Shopping (Statik Sound System remix) - The Egg
Japanese Flute (Hidden Chipsters mix) - Spaceways
Ghetto Blaster    - Pendulum
Timbuktu - The Disciples



  1. Cup of Tea Records: A Mix CD

  2. Thank you, 6 eggs in my basket.

    1. Did you find the hidden Eggs?

    2. You listed a,t,f, & s. There is still g.

    3. Thank you, and nice you could unscramble nearly all my text, Yes i did get the G.

  3. Thank you so much NØ for this sugar-coated confection compilation. May the Pagan Death Bunny bring you a narco anarcho egg-hatching holiday!

    1. Did you find the hidden Eggs? I hid all five especially for you.

  4. I am actually a little 'egg faced' by this Nathan. You have made my morning!
    I will make a big humble pie with these, laced with plenty of psychedelic sprinkles!
    May the Goddess bless you my friend,

    1. Thanks brother. Glad you found you're Eggs. Thanks for playing along.

  5. Happy Easter, found them all . Thank you so much.

    1. Great to hear. Hope you enjoy. Eggs for all.

  6. Thanks for the lovely Cup Of Tea mix, and also found the other 5 stealthy little beasts too.

    1. Glad you played along & found the hidden Eggs. Some folks just settled for the mix, which was indeed a lovely Cup of Tea. Appreciate you & your comment.

  7. Totally forgot to say thank you for the easter egg hunt. I found three, if there were any more I'm going to feel silly.

    1. No need to feel silly. You got them all now.

  8. And as soon as I commented I saw the earlier post mentioning five eggs. What a dope - I must have scrambled brains. Got them now! Thanks again.

    1. The idea was to make it a true Easter Egg hunt. Wouldn't be such if it wasn't a bit difficult. Nothing to beat yourself up over, just glad you found all five.
