05 March 2024

Scratching the Circle

The Orb should be well known to all. The group was riginally formed by Jimmy Cauty (of The KLF) & Alex Paterson in 1988 as a project to explore their fondness for ambient music, Dub, soundscapes, & science fiction. They became pioneers of the early-90s "ambient house" genre. Over the years Alex has been the only consistent member, whose other notables have included Thrash (Kim Weston) & Thomas Fehlmann. Closely associated with the Orb & at many times a guiding voice isYouth (a.k.a. Martin Glover). He co-owned the label WAU! Mr. Modo Recordings along with Alex. 


The Orb's electro-ambient house first meets Lee 'Scratch' Perry's ethereal, cosmic Dub in 2012s Orbserver in the Star House. This coming together of two disparate stylings works so well primarily because of the balance the Orb are able to strike between their own unique minimal house sound & adapting to accommodate Lee's Dub roots.

The Orb were prepared with a few base tracks & a bare-bones idea when they walked into the studio before meeting Lee for the first time back in 2004. But Perry had his own creative ideas.The Orbsters quickly found the limited number of tracks they had previously laid down to be insufficient to record all the ideas Lee inspired.

They proceeded to craft the rest of the record there in the studio in the truest form of collaboration. The Observer sits in the Star House & calls it out like he sees it,

This collaboration between The Orb & Lee 'Scratch' Perry take many twists & turns. The original release really works as Perry's unique voice melds perfectly with the tracks. It is not ambient Orb, but Dub Orb. 


The Orb featuring Lee 'Scratch' Perry - The Observer in the Star House,
The End Records TE289-2, 2012.
all decryption codes in comments

Ball of Fire    
Man in the Moon    
Golden Clouds    
Hold Me Upsetter    
Go Down Evil    
Police & Thieves    

More Tales offers up six new tracks & five addition instrumental versions.

Tight Interlude
Making Love in Dub
No Ice Age
Don't Rush I
Fussball (Instrumental)
Africa (instrumental)
Making Love in Dub (instrumental)
No Ice Age (instrumental)
Don't Rush I (instrumental)

This next offering is the instrumental incarnation of the ambient noodlers The Orb & reggae producer Lee 'Scratch' Perry's Orbserver in the Star House with instrumental versions of the original eleven track with an additional 12 tracks of remixes of "Golden Clouds", "Soulman", & "Ball of Fire".

Ball Of Fire (instrumental)    
H. O. O. (instrumental)    
Man in the Moon (instrumental)    
Soulman (instrumental)    
Golden Clouds (instrumental)    
Hold Me Upsetter (instrumental)    
Go Down Evil (instrumental)    
Thirsty (instrumental)    
Police & Thieves (instrumental)    
Ashes (instrumental)    
Congo (instrumental)    
Golden Clouds (Youth Gigantic Dreadnaught Dub mix)
Golden Clouds (Oicho remix)
Golden Clouds (Blue Space White Cloud 81Neutronz remix)
Golden Clouds (Youth Nous Sommes Tous en Situation Irreguliere ambient mix)
Soulman (Villod remix)
Soulman (reshaped by Pole)
Soulman (Gaudi remix)
Ball of Fire (Deadbeat Nyah Version)
Ball of Fire (Deadbeat Nyah Dub)
Ball of Fire (Dabrye remix)
Ball of Fire (Mad Professor 'I Need Balls' Version)
Ball of Fire (Mad Professor Dub mix)



  1. The Observer in the Star House
    More Tales from the Observatory
    Observing the Star House in Dub

  2. I'm coming at these from an "Orb" perspective as I have heard very little Lee "Scratch' Perry", so I'm grabbing the first two. Looking forward to listening. Many thanks.


    1. Greetings Brian & thanks for the comment.

      The first one is the most Lee Perry, the third one is the most Orb, the Second one is a mixed bag of Dubby Orby mix. Hope you find one (some...all) that you enjoy.

  3. Many thanks for this share. I only had the 1st one !

    1. Your welcome. Hope you enjoy the other two. Always good to have a complete set.

  4. Back in 2012, being a fan of both LSP and The Orb, I eagerly anticipated "The Observer in the Star House". I was disappointed. It seemed to benefit neither artist. The only good track for me was "Golden Clouds". I will relisten and especially look forward to the dub version to see if it was (as I thought at the time) just Scratch being TOO far out!! (I'd love to see Volker Schaner's documentary of the recording). Having been backstage at a few of his gigs I have to say that I imagine LSP was a nightmare to work with unless you had all the time in the world!!
    Thanks Nathan and please don't be offended by my negativity on this share. I still appreciate your choice and knowledge of music.

  5. One of the things, with Lee you really have to put up with his crazines to get to his genius. By the time this project came about he had fried a lot of brain-cells but was still in my opinion capable of strokes of sheer genius. Some of the remix tracks on Observer in Dub seem superb.

    Not offended at all. Always glad for honest intelligent feedback on the items I share. Seem like an essential share to me.

  6. Thanks NØ! I haven't heard any of these, so I'm stoked! Thanks!

    1. Thanks, Charlie. Hope you enjoy them. Interesting pairing.

  7. As a KLF reference I just finished reading Bill Drummond's "45"
    Reccomended for scurrilous stories and odd facts.
    Cheers good Man.

    1. Bill Drummond is one of the greatest mad men of our times. If you're not familiar with these, check them out.


      http://www.penkilnburn.com/home/ - Be sure to watch I Am Scissorman 12“


      Thanks, Diego & good cheer to yourself.

  8. Wow, good data as usual. Big thanks.

  9. Richie Muster3/17/24, 3:52 AM

    I'm coming to these afresh, as i never even knew they existed. I can't wait to play them. Thanks.

    1. Hope you find them to your liking. Late career Perry craziness & the Orb's usual.
